Avoid Future Regrets By Speaking Truth Today

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Ref. Luke 11:28, 1 Peter 1:14

Anyone who says they have a life of no regrets is most likely in denial or flat-out lying. Now, admittedly I’ve mouthed those words a time or two; but, always with an internal pause; a knowing that the statement was born out of conciliation of an inability to change the past.

Yes, sadly, everyone has a few regrets in life; a few times when they would have said or done something far differently. And while we can't go back and change the choices we made, we can learn from our past and not repeat sinful disobedience, aka, being untruthful to our Inner Spirit.

Many a person defiantly married the next best thing because they took the best thing for granted and blew it.

Many a person majored in the wrong field because the fam said they’d be the next lawyer or doctor in a long family line; when actually they were born to be the first farmer to grow the land, or even more viable, join the ministry full time.

Many a person moved when God said stay; and stayed when God said move.

Many a person sits in prison today; because, they listened to the enemy telling them to react violently instead of act as Jesus would.

Yes, if truth was told, some of life’s regrets can water the eyes even decades later.

I was recently reminded of my college graduation and of all the things that were so right at that time; and in short time, how the enemy gained traction and so many things went terribly wrong.

Yes, life has its regrets. And, the person who insists otherwise might be very young or enslaved in a narcissistic stronghold.

Thankfully, for most, times of regret are minimal; but in many cases pack a punch just the same.

So, if the Spirit breathes in you to do, or say, something; say it, do it. Then, decades later when you reflect, blessed you will be to say with truth:

No Regrets.

Undeniably, giving it your best, no matter the outcome, will bless you with peace.

Is there something in your spirit God is speaking you to do today?


Is it to forgive someone?

Is it to let go of a haughtiness at being right?

Is it to tell a person you’re closest to that they’re marrying the wrong person?

Stomp on the unforgiveness, the haughtiness, the withholding of the truth; for the price tag of serving satan will come due, even decades later.


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