Silent Epidemic: Unhinged Mothers Murdering Their Children

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Recently, I found myself with a startling revelation. Mothers are murdering their children at an alarming rate.

On more levels than I will discuss in this post, technology and psychotropic meds have to be at the root.

Realistically, many young people are addicted to their social-media devices. All they want to do is keep connected with the outside world; but, little children prevent this opportunity on so many levels.

Could they be seeing the fun their childless friends on FB are having, pushing them over the edge?

Or is it more sinister? Too often, many people who do harm say “voices” in their technical devices told them to do it.

Geez. This is alarming and genuinely not discussed in radio jaunts; but, a simple YT search on women who kill their children will give you an eyeful of disturbing calls of emotionless mothers who do 911 calls citing the murder of their children.

In a recent Colorado case, the father who allegedly murdered his wife, says that he is not guilty of killing the children. He says that the wife murdered one daughter before he arrived home, and the other in front of him, which sent him into a rage. To some this sounds like a stretch; but, after the recent uptick in mothers killing their children, it all of a sudden makes it a plausible case; for which I pray the truth will come forth. This won’t lighten his sentence; but, will shine more light on this disturbing topic.

At the root of most of the child-killings is the woman scorned by the partner. Some believe that it's mind-controlled technology via everyday devices, i.e. phones, television, tech-helpers, aka echo, etc.

Whatever the cause, it is quite tragic to learn. Again, I ask, could it be the music manipulating societal 'norms'?




right so this is something rather close to my heart as i am very close to a family that lost their 3 year old this year in such tragic circumstances.

O dear goodness...truly tragic. I didn't mention postpartum depression; because, as you noted, these are typically toddlers and beyond. Not to make excuses; but, a young mother overwhelmed by a young one(s) constantly under foot, might cause her to respond like an addict, having a synthetic 'high' intercepted, when persistently pulled away from all the social-media distractions at her fingertips.

I am aware of how most people are addicted to their hand-held devices; but, I was clueless of the potential devastation/rage this junkie-like behavior could evoke.

Smh...Sadly, some newb Ph.D. candidate will spend years researching "around" the problem, in defense of technology not being the cause...just like many universities who have made millions citing that blood-filled video games have nothing to do with school-violence, etc...rme...

Thanks for chiming in.


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