In Race Battle, The Enlightened Know Red & Green Only Colors That Matter

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I am a firm believer that every encounter leaves room for a teachable moment. A parent should never have to say to the child, “Do this, do that; or don’t do this, don’t do that;” primarily because those words usually fall on deaf ears for us as children; and, even more so as we enter adulthood. The best teachings are those led purely by example.
Lately, the U.S. has allowed a divisive beast to rear its ugly head; seemingly in an attempt to rise up off a centuries-old, smoldering, ash heap. These cooling; but still very hot-to-the-touch coals are fueled by racism, and will never be extinguished completely. Since the beginning of time, the color of one’s skin has been a factor which puts one at risk of being judged as “worthy”, or “less worthy”, than a particular group, usually those of the majority. However, anyone with a heightened sense of awareness knows that spiritually speaking, we all bleed the same color for a very significant reason.
In simplest terms, it is because God wants to make us very aware, that when the covering, called skin, is removed, we are all the same; and, anyone who dares to think differently cannot truthfully deny or defy this stark revelation. God wants us to know, with crystal-clear clarity that there is only ONE Supreme Being; and that Supreme Being is HIM. So, when I hear the term race being linked to supremacy on any human level, I cringe; because, I know these people are misguided and functioning from a place which is learned. To simplify, this learned behavior would be called hate.
To say that one race is better than another defies the Word of God which says in His Eyes, without the Holy Spirit living and breathing inside us, we are all but filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). And, anyone who genuinely has welcomed Jesus inside, and acknowledges Him as Lord and Savior, knows the filthy rags we are without Him-statement is real soul-wrenching Truth.
I was a bit dismayed to see how many people poured out into the streets to fight for the removal of statues that reflect a real part of the U.S. tapestry. I thought how much more beneficial for our nation it would have been had the droves poured into the streets to protest the removal of the Holy Bible from under the glass encasements found in front of courthouse buildings across the country. But, for this far greater cause, hardly a handful showed up, in comparison.
The recent pitiful display of ‘power’ in Charlottesville, really rings clear how small that group was in comparison to real-world America. For those who are unfamiliar with the U.S. and think those ‘large’ groups of 40K or so, represent the majority of Americans, please know this is far from an accurate representation of the 300+ million U.S. citizens who live and work harmoniously day in and day out. The majority do so because they have been taught and have learned the value of respect for each others’ differences.
When it comes to peace taboos, the wise know never to discuss race, religion, or politics with people of differing views. And, let’s keep it real, people of all races, all creeds, and all colors have varying viewpoints. But, at the root of each, is the essential need for respect, the decision to agree to disagree, and keep things moving.
I don’t want to veer down this path. This is about a teachable moment. And the real essence of the teachable moment is this: As a new school year starts for millions nationwide, be careful who you brand as friend; because, that brand becomes a part of you, like it or not. If you call people who are rabble-rousers friend, know that in the eyes of others, you will be known as a rabble-rouser.
People base an opinion of who you are, when they see who you call your running buddies, your ace-kumbah, all-for-one, one-for-all friends. The people you are seen with on a consistent basis, no matter how much you want to distance yourself from them, as having different beliefs than they, are crystal- clear reflections of you. Make no mistake about it. The Bible says you will know them by their fruit (Matthew7:16). Arguably, I say, I will know you by the company you keep. Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.”
This not to say you can’t offer kindness to all; but, that is not to be confused with people who you call your right-hand friends.
The Bible teaches that there are people who have a form of godliness about them; but, there is no God in them at all (2Timothy 3:5). These people are gods unto themselves, wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15).
They squirt a drop of fuel to create smoke, getting the people heated under the collar. Next, after getting that started, they release a few drops of lighter fluid on the heated situation; which starts a flicker. With that started, they blow hot words on it until a full-blown fire starts. After that, they quietly and ‘innocently’ distance themselves from the out-of-control bonfire.
This is what I was reminded of as I watched the people’s attempt to implode on each other. A modern-day twist on why a civil war is called such is because it is a case of people on opposing sides, lacking civilized behavior, clashing with each other. As I watched, I could only think: We all bleed red; and the only color that really matters in the worldly sense, is found in your wallet and is Emerald City green in color.
Of course, as with most things, there is a real irony to all of this: Red (the color we all bleed) and green (the money in your wallet) are the most popular color combinations representing Christmas; the holiday believers, and even non-believers, celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
I find this very interesting food for thought. Now, let us practice the art of loving each other, without insisting on one being better than the other, with a knowing that respect exudes what God calls us to do: LOVE.

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