Crypto Reminder that Money At Root of Everything Evil

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Crypto is becoming a reminder of how much I HATE/LOATHE money. Allow me in the next few lines to explain what I mean.

Of course it’s not the currency that I loathe, it is what it makes otherwise ‘decent’ people do (1 Timothy 6:10).

The crypto world is driving some people to value money over integrity.

There are few things worse that someone could say about a person is that they are scammy…ish…

If you think people, let’s just restrict it to the STEEM community, can deliberately play Pied Piper, leading the foolishly naïve, off the cliff and into the river, while maintaining a clear conscience, forgetting what evil/wicked things they’ve done, you are drastically mistaken.

Now, psycho/sociopaths may put on a good front; but, sooner or later their sins catch up with them. One thing about serving the pleasure of satan is that he is one who locks in the deal up front. Those who serve him just don’t know it. He doesn’t allow for reneges on a promise.

Guarantee: If you do things that make satan happy for personal gain, there’s a price tag that will come due.

Before this goes too far into an abyss, if you do something, deliberately to the harm and detriment of unsuspecting “children of God”, rest assured God makes clear: “Vengeance belongs to God…He will repay” (Romans 12:19).

Thankfully, there’s an open door to seek forgiveness; and prove your sincerity by doing a 180 regarding your behavior. It’s called repentance.

While forgiveness is instant, the consequence of the sin remains at the Mercy of God.

Let’s move forward.

There’s a new token that caught my attention. It sorta’ made me smile…It’s called the White Hat community token. I think of the good-guy, bad-guy hats in the old western movies. It was a clue that the good guys were wearing the white hats, and the bad guys were in black.

But, after a little research, I’ve learned this might just be a continuation of a project which upstarted with very little ‘Steem’ nearly a year ago. And, I was reminded of my disdain for ‘money’; as the recent post appears to be just another attempt to pump funds into an account to grow a project which has no real goal to ‘succeed’; but, just inflate another crypto balloon for a huge POP...aka bust, not burst!

Enough of that…

I want to end by saying there are so many layers of the STEEM economy. An unexpected, and much appreciated surprise was recently discovered in my Transaction History.

It showed that @timcliff sent me a much-appreciated $1. gift as a STEEM/SBD Payment Post Bounty.

In all honesty, I’ve never heard of this app; but, a little research reveals that it’s quite popular. I recommend that you DYR to learn more and decide if it’s a program you’d be interested in becoming a part of.

Best regards to all; and the surprise bonus in my Wallet reminds me that, money in and of itself is not evil; but, crypto shenanigans remain at the root of everything which is…aka bogus crypto startups with no intention of anything good…just scammy pump-and-dump SETups.

Best regards.


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