Being Accomplice to Cheating Spouse Has Lifelong Consequences

in #life6 years ago (edited)

There are few things more sacred than a marriage. God takes the time to give more than a few details about this covenant between Him and two people; male and female. He notes that the praying spouse serves as a covering for the unbelieving spouse (1 Corinthians 7:14).

Ideally, both partners are fervent believers in the Lord; but, in many cases one spouse tends to be a bit less fired up for Jesus than the other.

But, this post is primarily about a person who commits adultery against his spouse, and more importantly, God; and the lethal consequences often associated with such abuse.

In this instance, the partner who cheated is in custody on obstruction of justice charges.

That’s because the person he was cheating with is missing, and has been for over five years. He was the last person to communicate by phone with her in the wee hours of the morning when most people are in a deep sleep.

In the irony and confusion of it all, which satan is allowed to create, the cheating spouse called his mistress’ number (from a payphone) and left a message. Not knowing that his wife had his phone, the mistress called his cell, receiving no answer or the voice of his wife (can't be sure).

Presumably the pay phone message was meet me at xyz pier, which she did.

I presume this is where she left the safety of her home, to rendezvous with a married man.

Rumors had it that she was pregnant; and, he probably lured her there with the hope of proving she was pregnant, and celebrating the ‘baby news’ with a cigar.

In the irony of it all, months before her disappearance, she cryptically posted that sometimes an angel falls for the devil.

In all truth, I am reminded that there are angels of light and angels of darkness, perpetrating as light.

In God’s mercy, He blessed this young, misguided woman, who was playing with fire, to be free of this drama, as within a few weeks, on the eve of her disappearance, she went on a date with a guy more her age, instead of the adulterous married man 20 years her senior.

After weeks and weeks of zero communication with the philanderer, he just so happened to call her that night after her date. Records show that he had been tracking her on that evening, so he knew she was putting her past behind her with someone new.

Without a body, and without proof of what happened to this young woman, one can only speculate that perhaps, he couldn’t handle being the rejected older man; or he and his wife conspired to put her away, once and for all. The mistress' mistake was that she forgot that she fell for the devil.

It seems that on that cold night in December, his truck was seen going to, and leaving from the direction of the dark secluded boat pier.

That’s all she wrote.

Because reports prove that the wife had the husband’s phone, she, too is a co-conspirator in this disappearance.

I end with this famous proverb:

What a tangled web we weave, when first we set out to deceive.


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