A Clinton-Sanders 2020 Ticket 'Huge' Possibility

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I know what you might be thinking. We’re on the eve of a huge midterms election; and, I’m making an unfounded ‘prediction’.

Admittedly, this was a post I really wanted to put on the back burner, literally. It’s a case of not wanting to get anyone’s hopes up falsely; while not starting something that hasn’t yet been announced.

That said, tried though I might to put this post on the back burner, it kept resonating. So, here goes:

In a recent interview, I don’t know if you heard what I heard; but, what I heard is that HRC is going to make another run for POTUS in 2020.

I wish I could say I’m surprised; but, quite frankly, not.

I do believe that she feels like she didn’t get a fair shake in the 2016 election.

And, if all the slander about her was fake news, I will have to agree. Everyday people, primarily YouTubers, made millions spewing all kinds of evil against her. I can see how she felt robbed.

However, she’s nowhere near the first politician thrown a gotcha’ grenade, in an attempt to destroy a campaign. That seems to be part of the strategy for getting elected. I’m reminded of Mitt (had it in the bag) Romney and Al (dangling-chad) Gore to name a couple.

But, to keep in focus, I have a sense that a female will be on the Dem ticket in 2020. I know they’re putting Biden up front and center; but, I think the #metoo movement is going to overshadow any hopes he has.

Let’s face it. Just as current POTUS Trump, HRC also has a ‘cult’ following. There are millions of females who feel like they got dumped on. And, at get-togethers everywhere, one hears that they’re not going to walk away and forget. If she shows up, they will be there, even more dedicated than before. They are young 20- and 30-somethings, mixed in with a huge number of women-activists from back in the day.

Would she dare make another run for it?

Of course! Obviously, all of the horrific allegations made against her were duds. As noted, if she does run, I wouldn’t in the least bit be surprised. I think she, (and her constituents would agree), feels an indebtedness to her following to give it another go.

Besides, as she said in the recent interview: “I would like to be President.”

That doesn’t sound like a woman who’s done.

That said…could she win against The Donald?

Let’s just say it will be another nail-biter of a campaign. I don’t think it’s an accident that POTUS has hinted to possibly ‘starting a new political Party’. This would definitely set him apart; putting a huge swath between him and the GOP, which he may feel is limiting his plan for America.

Clearly, HRC’s platform spoke to millions of women/people who believed if anyone could break that glass ceiling, it would be her. I’m reminded of Helen Reddy’s famous “hear ‘them’ roar in numbers too big to ignore…”

Hold on to your hats America! Campaign season 2020 is nearer than you think.

And, I can almost hear the announcement:

Hello… (crowds roaring)

My name… (5-minutes of more crowds roaring)

is HRC… (deafening-crowds roar)

And, I… (crowds in tears, fainting, roaring)

want to be your President. (Crowds in meet-ups worldwide roaring)…(lol)

I know I’m being animated; but, for sure, it will play out similarly. This is indeed a possibility.

I shall leave you with one more thought:

Can anyone say Bernie Sanders for VP?

Yep, I said it…a Clinton-Sanders ticket…

Those high on the Clinton or Sanders wave in 2016 definitely will agree that it has a ring to it…especially the ears of the millennials.

Is it a winning ticket?

Now, that’s one only God can answer.

Interestingly, as I end this post, a little research reveals that I’m not the only one positing this question. Here’s an article by the New York Post

And for those who think it would be Clinton-Warren…I smh…simply because, as the old adage goes…

The house isn’t ever big enough for two women….lol.



As a woman I would rather have ANYONE for President than Hillary. Give me 20 years of Trump, before you let that bag in the office.

I don't like Bernie's politics that much, but I do admire and respect him. Had they run him instead of Hillary, he would like be President right now.

Amen to that

Had they run him instead of Hillary, he would like be President right now.

This is a well-kept 'secret'...He really disappointed his base...Walked away with the offer of a shiny new mansion...certainly seemed that way as he sat in the audience during the primary speech....

That said, it will be their win-win effort if they ride side by side on the same ticket. Jmho, but the Dems are struggling; and, really need someone with a huge fan-base...both of these candidates meet this criterion.

It will be an uphill battle as it stands; but if anyone has the fire to do it, it would be her.

Thanks for chiming in.


I'm very curious who they will run and if they have any message at all beyond... We aren't Trump. :)

I only vote 3rd parties, so it doesn't matter to me, the worse team they run the better for those of us who have had enough of the 2 party system

You can tell something 'huge' is at stake; because, the campaign stumps are filled with heavy hitters. Typically, midterm elections are more lackadaisical; but, this is clearly a fight for political power, more than the topics at hand.

I wrote a recent post about POTUS starting The Nationalist Party, which would totally upset the GOP base.

It shall be interesting.

I'm signing out for the night...have a great evening!!!


ANYONE for President than Hillary

I can honestly say that I believe God answered the prayers of many.

There were heinous things said, which have yet to be disputed, that literally kept me awake in prayer.

It was very difficult to write this post; because I'm reminded of the famous line in the movie "Poltergeist"..."They're baaaaaaack....(not laughing, btw!...okay...nervously, lol)....

The scariest thing is, primarily young people were 'cultish' and willing to look past the allegations.
That's disturbing.

I think it is important that people take the vote seriously; and, avoid the straight-ticket process. I want my vote to say I support what the candidate stands for, more than their 'rockstar' status; and/or popularity.

Truth told, it will be a toss up if 'they' run against Trump; after all, she is quick to remind all that she won the popular vote; and, as the numbers report...she did.


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