A Smoker in Withdrawal-Phase SHARES Real Sentiments About SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

If you are a smoker, quitting the habit can leave you feeling like Grumpy Cat for a while. It’s an addiction; and, the flesh wants what it wants, when allowed to have its way for any length of time.

This writing originated from a "humorous" post by @schattenjaeger, who has a pet-peeve about the 'disingenuously' over-use of the line...Thanks for sharing! (A link to her post is found below.)

Here's a glimpse of my comments to her very well-written post:

I'm currently quitting smoking, so I'm having a serious case of nicotine withdrawal, which is why I'm in a terrible mood,

Okay, thanks for the explanation. And, I will apologize upfront for lol (literally) throughout your entire post. (lol). No, seriously, I am lol.

I get your withdrawal mood. It’s probably a lot like waking up and realizing I forgot to restock my coffee supply. Things aren’t going to go well for a minute…

All the same, I picked your post apart for a few comments.

Thanks for sharing!..underscores the fakeness of the Steemit community… morons by the thousands commenting "thanks for sharing!" on other people's posts.

I am sooooo guilty of this phrase. It is found in the majority of my comments and replies. It’s like a conversation starter or ender, depending on where I include it in a post.

It is genuine.

I literally am grateful that someone posted something which brought new perspective to my life.

So, I’ll chalk this up to your bad mood.

Do people comment "thanks for sharing" on Facebook posts? Reddit? Twitter? YouTube? Anywhere?

I personally don’t do FB, etc.

I hate the time wasted, spent on something which has zero possibility whatsoever, of helping my bottom line; only feeding the Wallet of rich CEOs who could give a flying flip about giving me a penny.

Now, about YT…

It’s a lot like Steemit, in that I usually walk away enlightened or entertained on some level. For this reason, I use that popular line, with the sincerest meaning.

If someone submits art, music, photography, or a part of their life, I am genuinely grateful. It makes my day better on some level; and, that’s always a good thing.

people try

Trash Steemians as you wish. It’s the addiction making you want to bite nails. I get it. But, I have a lot more respect for people who try than those who do absolutely nothing to generate income.

We live in a tech world; and, anyone not generating income, for whatever reason, while wasting time on FB, et al, earning diddly squat, shame, shame, shame for the folly.

The intent? To get upvotes and followers.

Nah, I guess it’s perspective. I receive far more up votes that are of zero value monetarily. I do wish, and believe, this ‘flaw’ will correct itself over time; but, I am encouraged to see, via up votes, that I am at least making sense to those who view my posts.

I up vote posts that genuinely speak to me on some level. Likewise, I click away from many posts that don't resonate for one reason or other.

There is a lot of talent in the community; and it’s crucial to follow someone whose work you value. In doing so, your feed continues to flow with something that's more likely to hold your attention, make you richer in thought, and unlike most social media, financial compensation as well.

part of those sites because it's fun, it's engaging, it's hooking. Steemit is not.

Again, it’s all perspective. I find nothing engaging or ‘hooking’ about people who find a need to share their every move, every hour of the day. I DON’T REALLY CARE.

It becomes a real case of “And, I care because?”

free money does attract people, but it attracts the scum of the earth:

Finally, we agree on something. I have created several ‘rants’ about click-bait titles of some of the get-rich-quick- posts that add no value to my life, i.e. a picture of a plate of food, with no recipe, no explanation of what it is, where it is, etc. titled, “Today I Met My True Love”.


Please...Stop it!

it's not more people Steemit needs, it's better people.

Let’s say, better POSTS.

And, based on some of the rumblings about whales floating SP in scam-form, you’re probably right about the better people, as well, in some cases.

However, I’ve found a lot of gifted people on this platform, who put out some serious work. They have a niche; and are generous enough to take the time to share in ways that, as previously noted, enrich the lives of many.

They answer posts in ways which show they enjoy interacting. Many of them obviously have busy lives; but, they give time to the community.

For them, they are rewarded for jobs (posts) well done. So, I really consider there are far more with a genuine spirit for the success of Steemit, than those who are trying to ‘game’.

design Steemit in such a way that it's attractive and fun to use even without the money…

I will say every day isn’t jam packed with interesting posts; but, there are always a few posts that are, as mentioned, enriching on some level. I find clicking on tags that I enjoy, when things are sparse, helps alleviate mundane times on the platform.

Again, honestly, there are few things more boring than FB and Twitter. I have never seen any real use beyond 'filling' time, or business-promotion for these sites.

This perspective remains; and I am genuinely thankful for platforms like Steemit which ‘reward’, to some degree, the work of bloggers.

often left missing genuine conversation, actual engagement. Discussion, jokes... Socializing,

Wow. I definitely have to disagree on this one. I experience all, except the last one when logged on to Steemit.

Socializing is my ‘fault’. I’m not big on ‘hanging out’ just to say I did so. I’d rather be doing something fruitful, however I define that.

easier to find good stuff during the days of 7 cents, as opposed to the summer of $2.

Lol…not funny…but you’re right. The site was a lot busier when the value of SP increased. It was the time to earn as much as possible. Of course, I think the highest the value has gotten since my signing up is ~$1.50.

wordpress site from 1997.

Lol…it ‘s grown on most. But, again, I’ll give you this one, very bland first reaction. Adding pictures, which I’m guilty of not doing often enough, really makes a difference.

never has anything to do with you

Again, I think this is perspective. You should allow your friend to decide for herself if she considers it uninspiring.

Perhaps, you can get her to join as proof, by experiment; and, since she doesn’t care about money, transfer it to your wallet for investing.

I’m leery when others surmise the perspective of another adult. At least give her the opportunity. She might find the site the best thing since, ughm, I'll let you pick...

people are afraid of criticizing

Ha! LOL! You must not have been reading the Steemit tags recently.

I’ve included links below of two posts that would make you see, that many are staring 'fear?’ squarely in the face, dropping 8-ball names without regard of retribution.

it drives people away, as they are afraid of supporting you anymore, even if they agree with you.

If telling the truth runs people away; I mean, genuinely telling the truth runs people away, then, this filters wheat from chaff.

Speaking of, I have a current post on how to make Steemit better. To rant without suggestion is futility.

Here’s the link:


by posting one word per day

Ha! Lol, again!

Yes, there are some autobots running a few sites. That’s part of the rants by @paulag and @transisto at the end of this comment.


Awww…not fair…If you saw the pictures, you might think differently. I saw a lot of food, and camaraderie.

Granted, I’m not a techie, so I would have been more of a public-relations ambassador with Steemit badges, T-shirts, mugs, etc. everywhere I went.

Lisbon looks like a beautiful place; and, the food…smh…hardly boring.

Dang, you really are in a bad mood.

Whoo! I think you’re making @bescouted look like a choir boy, as he is on a 30-day challenge to quit smoking for the umpteenth time.

Well, that’s it @schattenjaeger...Feel better.

I rarely say this; but, I am a firm believer that when it’s time to quit anything, and/or anyone, it starts in the spirit. It becomes a case of the Spirit revealing the desire. It becomes bigger than a knowing of ‘need to’.

Are you really ready to quit smoking?

Or would you be content with a healthier alternative? I don’t know much about vaping; but some swear by it as a way of curtailing the yen.

I believe cold turkey replacing the bad habit with something better is the best out.

However, @schattenjaeger it’s all perspective.

Forgive me for asking, but WHY would you choose to quit such a crutch in one of the most stressful times of the year, aka, holidays?

Btw, here are those links. Be sure to read the comments; quite lively!



That's it. As promised, here's the link to the original post which inspired this writing.




Thanks for sharing.. :P
My partner has a really hard time deciding to start quitting.
She fears facing the withdrawal and being angry all the time (and also gaining the fats).
but as you probably know..the only time to change is now,
not later.
do you have any wisdom as for how to push lovingly the person toward the change they want?


I am upvoting this post because I have not yet had the strength to give up the smokes. you have embraced the grumpiness well. I need to do this. I need to do it soon. a 30 day challenge might just help me too, even if I do have to do it 50 times

I need to do this.

@paulag Most of the people who quit, once and for all, accept that they want something better for their life; and, simply put it down and walk away. They don't buy the last pack. They give it to the man, down-and-out on the street, or toss it in a public waste bin for someone to find. They don't have the last smoke. They just walk away.

It's kind of like that toxic relationship a person knows they 'need' to walk away from. And, then one day they decide. They walk away. They don't return calls, emails, nothing. Cold turkey.

Of course, I'm not making any suggestions here; but, when it's time you will KNOW it. The need will be trumped by the act.

Wow...I thought smokes had become so over-priced that people were saying, to hay with this.

I haven't checked back with @bescouted; but, I recommended that he supplement the strongest peppermints (Altoids for starters) to replace the cig; and, keep a pencil handy to keep his hands busy.

Perhaps, the community needs a SA (Smoker's Anonymous) Steemian-support group. I'm reminded that @jerrybanfield says he does AA everyday, not just for alcohol; but, eating and smoking addictions as well. In one of his positivity posts, he says he had to change his behavior to line up with his desire to be a husband and father.

So, on behalf of those who have walked away and never looked back...


For every pack you don't buy, purchase some STEEM, or set up a savings account, and transfer funds to save for something special.

While the mind may play games and make you think you're in regret for breaking a bad habit, it's just imaginations.

Btw, many thanks for the up vote!


omg you need to be my shoulder when i do give up :-)

I have just followed you

And, then one day they decide. They walk away.

We, The Steemit community, will be 'hear' for you. ;+)

Many thanks for the follow. At the risk of you follow me, I follow you...lol...I've added you to my feed...


I quit smoking 10 years ago and thought about quitting for 5 years in a row. It really was harder to decide to stop smoking than to actually quit smoking.
When I finally decided to stop smoking, the first week was the most difficult and two weeks later I did not even think about it, I changed some habits during the first few weeks that helped me, namely not going to places where people are smoking.
And you have to create that goal, stop smoking! We have to prepare ourselves mentally for this, otherwise it is not even worth trying, because you will not be able to...
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