What to catch ASP. Competitors for Kastmaster...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Spoon Kastmaster American company Acme Tackle Co since its inception in the late 90s unconditionally took the leading position in the boxes hunters Asp and long remained No. 1 in popularity.

model number and color of the link

Anglers were attracted by its range, the opportunity to catch up with her even in a strong wind with terminami loss in the casting distance. And of course, efficiency. Game this spinner with the usual uniform wiring or wiring with pauses has always attracted the attention of the ASP.

But time does not stand still, as the dollar... there are always new designs of lures for catching the "white predator" , claiming the right to overthrow the monopoly of Kastmaster...
In Russia the development of such lures has been the company "Russian spoon", and some of its model ( I could try) very well catch the fish and large Chub. Special models for asping it is worth noting RB Stiller, Trechgranka (several varieties) , Pelikan RB, RB Delphi...

peli-M2-o.jpgDelphi 1.jpg
(C)the model number of the link

In addition to the "Russian spoon" development of lures for catching ASP and other white predators engaged in the company "Daiga" (Ukraine). First spinner of Daiga appeared on the exhibition "Hunting and Fishing in Russia" a few years ago, and since then is gaining popularity due to its efficiency and humane prices. Especially liked generation model "Kukri" and "Fry".

(C)available sizes and colors for reference

Spinners of Daiga are unique developments of the company and have no analogues among the products of famous brands. The body material of the spinner is brass ( the most "right" for the long-range spinners). Spinners of Daiga small scales is very useful on small rivers when fishing for Chub and IDE, when you need accurate throw compact bait. And the most difficult models will be needed in large rivers and reservoirs where fishing is a very careful fish often require super-long casts compact baits.

Well, how do you work these lures, you can watch the short story of our Ukrainian colleagues Аlexa Lovy, where he, along with the Director of firm "Daiga" Andrey Mahavavy catches fish on the river...

As you can see, in conditions of fast-flowing rivers with spinners, "Kukri" and "Fry" very good job "catch the fish"...


I will buy it !

Интересная статья) А мне чаще удавалось ловить жереха на небольшие изогнутые колебалки типа этих https://4river.ru/categories/ms-bleak3 Мне показалось, что форма не хуже чем у Даиги, правда разловил их больше на слабом течении

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