Dreams do come true. My first ever Steemit Purchase

in #life6 years ago

Dreams do come true. All you need to do is hard work, patience and believe in yourself.

Since many years I have had a list of things that I want to achieve and also buy. And so I had made a list of all of them to strike of those which I achieve and bought.

Among other things in the list, Apple Watch was a short term object that I wanted to buy for myself and finally that moment to strick it of my list is here and that's all Thanks to SteemIt.


I joined steemit in July 2017 and though I was not regular with the posts in the beginning, at the later stage I was consistent with automotive posts. I usually post 2 a day. Because of the consistency I was able to gain a lot on the platform.


And now because of all that, im finally able to buy the watch I have always wanted since years. And hopefully more to come in the future. Again would like to thank my good friend @firepower for introducing me to this platform.


It's been amazing so far and definitely looking forward to strike more things off my list.


Awesome! Congratulations dude. :D

Thank You so much man :)

Looks like your hard work paid you.

it sure did indeed :)

Congratulations bro. Love the watch !!!!!

Thanks a lot bro :)

Great :D congrats

Thank You :)

Believe and you'll get what you want..!!

Exactly. That's The Secret :)

You are absolutely right. Dreams do come true and I can see you living your dream.

All the hard work of photography and the past few years of dedication has finally got you something and here you are exploring and using it to gain back everything you have put forth.

Awesome job though. Congratulations

Thanks a lot bro. yes, all those years of free photo shoots and endless hours spent on the computer on edits are slowly paying out now. Feels good. :)

Awesome you got that with Steem money! I've been tempted recently to just cashout a little SBD, but I know I just need to keep powering up for the long term!

Powering up is always a great plan for a long term growth on the platform. :)

This is awesome! Another Indian Steemit Success story. Congrats dude!

Thank you so much :)

Congratulations bro. Hope for the best 😊

Thanks a lot bro :)

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 65665.03
ETH 3585.68
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53