I'm a WOLF | I finally learned to accept my sleep schedule

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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I feel with you! :)
You may like one of my old articles concerning that exact topic ... :)

Very interesting post @soyrosa. Don't recall hearing the word "chronotypes" before now. According to this, I am a Lion ...

I have known this (without the label) for most of my life. My first job was as a paperboy in grade school. The requirement was up before dawn, ride your bicycle down to the "substation," where you folded up your papers to put in your "saddlebags" on your bike. Then, off you go to get them distributed, before the customer wakes up to find their paper on their front porch ... 👍

Although that was "a few days ago," I can still distinctly remember the marvelous sights and sounds in the early dawn hours. Particularly the various birds who were singing ... Great in the summertime. A little less so, in the winter ...

Now, if that experience hadn't cleared this question of "bio clocks" up for me, marrying a farmer's daughter definitely would've done the trick, as she is very similar to me. Probably from watching her father in the mornings, in his preparations to head out to the fields ...

"I'm a thousand times more kind to my own deviation from the norm, and this will probably mean I'll find more productivity and health as I will adapt my daily routines according to what works best for my kind, my fellow Wolves."

Nice to hear how much this revelation is helping you. Our health is everything. Easy to take for granted. Until ... Suddenly ... It is gone ... 😉

I hope Wolves and Lions can peacefully coexist. 😊

I hope Wolves and Lions can peacefully coexist. 😊

I hope so too, because I'm living with a Lion :') It can be challenging but it was more challenging when we tried to adjust to each others schedule ;-) Now we've accepted our differences it's just that - a difference that you can learn to live with :-)

Okay ...

"Now we've accepted our differences ..."

... good to know @soyrosa! Hopefully "smooth sailing" from here on out ... 😉

Well. I'm no wolf. Maybe a coyote...

I have a sleep disorder that affects my life. For 12 years I took the medication and forced my life into the box that society demands. I was irritated and owly and near unto crazy. I had mostly quit reading and in the main quit thinking because I was drug addled and sleep deprived.

About 15 years ago I decided to piss on it all. I just quit. Everything. Except of course, coffee :)

To keep this from being longer than your post, today I sleep in two shifts and generally speaking a nap. Roughly 4 hours per shift and entirely when I need it. I may be up one hour between or rarely as much as 3. I am always in bed by 8:00 pm and up sometime shortly after midnight.

When the weather is warm I drink a half liter of water first. Today I drink two cups of coffee in the dark (no lights) while my brain synchs with conscientiousness. Some of this time includes meditation and some is used for dog scratches. Sometimes those are the same.

I then write a minimum to two pages in my journal with the third cup of coffee. Coffee is then on demand, sometimes less sometimes more but I'm never far from a cup until after breakfast. Which is around 5 hours after I wake.

Creatively I am at my absolute best between the journal and breakfast. It get pretty fuzzy towards late afternoon and basically do nothing that needs creative thought then.

I guess my point is that I've found my sweet spot, the place where I am happiest.

Thanks for sharing this Soyrosa. I am so happy you've found your place!

Thank YOU for sharing your story here too @bigtom13! That sounds like a pretty confusing schedule, but one that of course totally can work if you find your way out of societies demands. I'm also very happy to hear you quit the medication, sounds like you were going the wrong direction with those too :-/

This is the reason why I'm always a bit more curious about people who try to make money for themselves - they often have a story why they didn't really 'fit' in society, and a good chunk of those people try to find ways 'out' - ending up on the Steem Blockchain or somewhere else where autonomy rules :-)

Creatively I am at my absolute best between the journal and breakfast.

That's what you've been doing it for: to find that sweet spot for you that makes you produce stuff that you want to make :-)

Thanks again for sharing!

It is always great when we find these pieces of information that helps us understand ourselves more as there are many factors we cannot control in our mind and bodies. I wonder what were the other types as it seems I am quite the opposite!

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there are many factors we cannot control in our mind and bodies

Exactly this - and still we force ourselves in the 'regime' that's basically the same for all.

I wonder what were the other types as it seems I am quite the opposite!

If you're the opposite you're Lion: awake before anyone else, does its best work until about 10 AM, needs proteins for breakfast and lunch, as they most of the time crash around 2-3 PM :D (Carbs speed up that crash). Some physical activity end of the afternoon helps you prolong the night a bit if you want/need to be social ;-)

Then there's the Dolphin (half awake/half asleep at night, most often have sleep Disorders) and 50-55% (! the vast majority!) are bears: those are the ones 'okay' waking up early, but don't go to sleep super early like the Lion, and therefore often have a 'social jetlag' where they have to sleep in on the weekends for lost hours during the work weer :-)

Hmmm... interesting as it is a toss up between Lion and Bear for me! Thanks for sharing!

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According to the research there's no 'combo' types, so it's either or! You're probably a Bear, but test for yourself: https://thepowerofwhenquiz.com/ (they let you fill in an email address unfortunately, but I found unsubscribing from the newsletter was easy enough ;-))


I took the quiz but it prompted me to an email so I closed out. I'm probably a wolf at least, or more likely a night owl.

Good person to have in the pack! Glad you got some information to give you some clarity.


There's a book for you. I don't know how much she writes about sleep though...

I need this too!

Ohhh - I applaud you for this book tip - I've totally seen the title before but I really do want to read it in this phase of my life :-) Thank you @islanderman :D

I'm a wolf too ;) That explains why I always only think about chatting with you after midnight ;)

Hahaha - absolutely! You learn to recognize your fellow wolves... :')

It's the green indicator after midnight :D

Hahaha - mine is green 24/7 though :P

you a vampire too? :D

I am many many things... :P You don't know half of it.

I can so relate to this. I've been a "night owl" all my life, and have never felt good waking up early. If left to my own devices, I stay up at least till midnight each night and would sleep till 9 or 10. Big yes to getting outside, too—water and nature are two of the best ways to wake up! Love this post, wolf sister. :)

:D Ohhh - how amazing it can be to simply realize these things and try to optimize the schedule we live :-) Yes, water and nature, I really needed to step that up, and now I finally allow it.
Thanks for sharing your wolf story dear Katrina <3

Hehe I was thinking about your wolf story you told me about today during my walk... you know what I was thinking. Very happy 🎉😎 that you found a reason for your habbits what made you feel lazy and other weird things. Don’t think people will ever call you that but knowing and thinking are two different things🤔 but but but....i was thinking, you’re a photographer! You’re missing all those beautiful sunrisers 🌅😱

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but she can do night photography instead... (And in summer, sunrise can be well within reach by staying up a little bit longer)

:D Glad I gave you something to think about during your sun walk! Ohhh yes I've been called lazy for sure! And I've been calling myself that too :-) People try to tell you 'just go to bed early' (but I lay awake for hours!) and stuff too :D Such stigma.

you’re a photographer! You’re missing all those beautiful sunrisers

Not every photographer needs or wants to take pictures of these :D Photography for me is being 'present' in the places I am, and making pictures is simply showing others what I see. I've never really made 'planned' shots, it's the opposite of how I use this passion of mine :-)

people try to put you in their norms. it requires tedious work to make them understand something like not waking up before 11AM. i live in a small town and now after years most people that know me, know that they should not call me before 12 :D

Hahaha - good job! :D I just have my phone on flight mode until 12 :')

If your body says No, dont Go, if your mind says go and your body No, give it a Second thought.
You decide always and alone whatever the time, the place or the person!!
And I like wolves 😉 See you soon sweet

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