Carpe Diem

in #life5 years ago (edited)

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So grateful your boyfriend's ok. And even more so, he was able to be the one to wake you up and tell you himself what happened and that he's ok.

Also that the person in the car was such a compassionate person. Accidents are so unpleasant as it is, can you imagine having to deal with anyone involved, who was a prick or in complete denial of their faults and responsibilities? Sadly that's what happened to one of my family members, who's had to fight in court for years now for a suitable settlement.

Hope he's ok now? Because sometimes the aches and pains come a while after the shock. Hugs to you both <3

Very lucky and glad your boyfriend is fine. really scary moment though and I feel sorry for the lady as it wasn't intentional. You are right no one does this sort of thing on purpose and maybe she should wear sunglasses. I have had that with sunrise and sunset blinding you for fractions of seconds ,but you tend to slow down in those cases. Take care.

Ah, yes, I recently borrowed a car and realized I didn't have good sunglasses because I never (need to) use them. I will definitely have a pair soon. Every bit helps right? Don't take risks that are unnecessary... I don't believe I'll ever drink if I know I'll drive a car. Not even the 'one allowed glass'... Because why? As if I would ever forgive myself for that glass if I caused an accident... Anyway. Thanks for your comment :-)

One drink is fine , but I understand where you are coming from. I think every accident good or bad stays with you and just hope they are good ones.

We all can be grateful for every day without being involved in an accident in this crazy traffic everywhere. I'm really glad for you both! But I can also feel the shock of the woman...often it's only a millisecond you didn't pay attention enough to damage another life.

Yes - early morning, no-one on the road, not seeing anyone, hars light... It's all of this combined that creates this split second that can and up being fatal. It didn't. That's all I will think of right now <3 For her it's intense as well, she actually witnessed and caused the moment, she might not sleep so well this night. Although the phone call really calmed her down.

OMG. I'm glad he's apparently ok. He should take it easy for a while. The head is a is a delicate part of the body. Above all, I'm glad he survived. It could have been a lot worse - say, if he wasn't wearing a helmet.

I also hope you're doing ok. <3

say, if he wasn't wearing a helmet.

He only got his bike recently and forgot to wear it one of the first times he went out with it. He got back and told me 'I realized after 20 minutes but didn't want to go back home so drove along...'

I don't get angry easily, but at that moment my eyes and calm stern words delivered a message.

I friendly reminded him of that moment today. 'Yes, no, that will never happen ever again!'

I also hope you're doing ok. <3

Yes, I am, just going to keep making sure he doesn't keep a head or neck ache - Thank you <3

It was still her fault, low sun or not. But to err is human. The take home lesson from this should be that when visibility is poor for one reason or another, you should always assume the worst.
$rewarding 40% 12 min

Yes, legally the paperwork will probably find her 'guilty', but indeed, it's so easy to assume anything... When in doubt take some extra time is probably the best thing to do :-/

I know people make mistakes. But as you should be very acutely aware of at this time, no amount of emoting will do any good if none of you involved in this do not try and learn the only lesson worth learning from this. When conditions are bad, you must be extra careful so as to avoid risking your own or somebody else's life.

In Dutch we have this saying 'an accident can fit in a small corner'... Seems appropriate today. But indeed. Learn and be humble. Never take anything for granted. Be more careful than you think you need to be.

Well put. The lady should and will calm down in time. Hopefully, she will think about what she could've done differently and can do differently under similar conditions. I have made one such mistake when I was tired. The lesson I learned: don't drive when tired but if you must, take every reasonable precaution to be safe. In that situation nobody injured. Just €15k or so worth of damage my insurance company covered.

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that, but good to hear it caused no human injury. Yes, I hope she will learn something from it, she definitely has felt the shock, but to create/learn a lesson is something else. Let's hope so. I'm curious to see what driverless cars will chance for us in the coming 20 years or so. I hear good things, but software learns from humans so it's also never perfect :-) Every life saved is one though!

Good news on close call = happy ending = upvote :-)

On Facebook I always found it sooo weird to 'like' a post when there was some sort of 'sad message' in it. But here an upvote can also say 'here is some financial support for whatever life will bring you'. It's interesting, the psychology of those tiny social buttons. Thank you :-) I really liked the happy ending too :-)

You are right, it is from this kind of things that we assume it only happens to others until...
My best wishes to your boyfriend for a quick recovery.

Yes, it has been proven we often believe others have a higher chance of experiencing anything bad... Interesting. It's important to know it can be the opposite :-) Thank you @fotostef!

Oh man, I'm sorry. I hope your boyfriend is okay <3 I mean, thank whoever that nothing worse happened. And indeed, it's impressive when someone admits it was their fault, even though of course it was.

Yes, she felt really really bad about it. And to think she had her kid sitting next to her... She was obviously not being careless or whatever. But next to compassion Markku above is right too... She should learn from this experience as well, as we are all able to prevent this when we get better and more careful each time <3

And thank you, I really believe my bf is fine, but I'll probably sleep a little restless to be able to witness if he sleeps calmly - and how he feels tomorrow will be pretty telling about any longer lasting effects.

Omg! I am so glad for everyone involved that yiut boyfriend is OK. It only takes a moment for things to go terribly wrong. Thank goodness for his helmet and that bruises seem to be the extent of his injuries. Big hug to you!

It only takes a moment for things to go terribly wrong.

This. You never leave your home thinking 'this will be my last day on earth!' - it always happens on a day you don't think that.

I appreciate the hug, thank you!

That is pretty scary but thankfully he is okay. This is another convincing argument of why exercise is bad. Really though, I am glad he is okay with not too much damage done. :*

Thank you. YES exercise is bad. Glad someone understands.

But indeed. The damage is making him limp badly and I believe tomorrow will be the day he will really feel what happened, but I'm counting our blessings <3

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