Sometimes, You Just Have To Make People Listen To You.

in #life7 years ago

 Sometimes you wonder why you don't get what you ask for; you probably asked for it too nicely. Here is a funny story to read and enjoy the bright side of it. 

image credit: Pixabay

When I was younger, many things did not make much sense to me. School definitely did not make a lot of sense to me. I had absolutely no desire to be at the school, and I had no interest whatsoever in what they were teaching. I would tell the teacher that I wanted to go home, and I would ask her, very politely, if it was OK for me to leave. But she would always say no. Then I would knock my books on the floor and throw my pencils across the room. At that point, she would say, "Go to the office! I'm calling your parents! You're going home!"

And when I returned to school a few days later, the teacher would tell me that I could not go home. And so I would knock my books on the floor, again, and she could not wait to send me home for bad behavior. (I didn't like throwing things across the room, but it was always the thing that helped me leave school) And when they tried to explain to me the importance of why I should go to school, I thought they were being completely irrational. 

Adults: You have to stay in school.

Me: I don't understand what you people want from me. Why do I have to stay in school?

Adults: So you can graduate and get out of school. Don't you want to get out of school?

Me: That's what I've been trying to tell you; I wanna get the hell out of school. That's why I keep trying to go home, because I don't want to spend another day at the school.

Adults: Don't you want to be somebody important?

Me: I'm already important. Not only am I important, but my mama said I'm precious, too. If I didn't really matter, then I'm sure you people would leave me alone. So I must be very important. 

Adults: Stay in school, get an education, and one day you could have a business and be successful. Don't you want to have a job someday?

Me: No! Not at all. I wanna have fun. I don't ever wanna work a day in my life.

image credit: Pixabay

And I was also told that if I have good behavior and listen to my parents, then I will have a good life, and I would even live to become old, responsible and reliable. 

I would watch the news and hear stories about children being murdered; I would turn on the television and see children starving to death, and I would ask what caused those children to suffer and die. I would ask, "Is it because they were bad? Did they die because they didn't want to listen to their parents?" And I was told that sometimes children suffer and die because life isn't fair - that's just the way it is. 

I was taught that people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Abraham Lincoln were killed for being good men. And I was convinced that I could die young, whether I do good or bad, and whether I like it or not. Then I realized no one can really promise that I will have a good life.

image credit: Pixabay

 I realized that, in this life, I just have to do whatever it takes, even if I must do the bad things, in order to live the kind of life that I want to live. And I saw no reason for me to always be a good boy. 

When I attempted to be good, and asked very politely if I could go home, the teacher treated me as if I had done something wrong, and she denied my request to leave the school. But when I threw books and pencils across the classroom, that's when I got exactly what I wanted. Many things in life made me convinced that, sometimes, it's necessary to do bad things. (Not literally) 

Sometimes you need to speak up

Sometimes you need to ask questions

Sometimes you need to protest and make people listen to you.


Indeed you are so right. It's amazing what happens as we get older and smarter--

Yes, you are right there, now that I am older I know how to make better decisions, and know what is good and bad, and most of all how to get the most out of living.

thats excellent! I hope you enjoy every minute and I can join you there soon-

Yes, everyone who has breathe in their body should live a life they choose, even if we live for other people or helping others live and we are happy doing it, then that's living.. I hope you are happy

It's also interesting how sometimes we get older but not smarter. We thought we've learned from the past only to let our emotions decide for us, failing us again.

Yep we learn but old habits can die hard. It takes a lot of work to realize what you’ve learned and put it into place. Emotions can take my reasoning right to the garbage!

i totally get where you come from, but as long as we are able to express what we feel then everything should be fine!


getting older yet learning very much is the best

Yes, many prefer to learn form their own experiences.

i can relate this story to myself when i was at my young ages. i am very hard headed especially to my teachers that's why i always got scolded. But when i grow old i realized all that things and laugh while learning for my mistakes.

yes, those were the good old days! it is great to live and have many experiences to look back on, no matter if they are good or bad.. thanks for your comment

You are more entertaind at home than in school. That’s why teacher nowadays has applied different strategies in teaching , more on interaction. Hehehe I can relate to it.

that's true, at home I was very free to play as much as I wanted, I just couldn't see the whole point at that time. but at the end i am grateful that i was able to complete my studies. Those experiences have made me to know what I want in life and to do all I can to achieve my goals

I’m glad u shared your experienced here in steemit as an eye 👁 opening for others. There are more students member in this community.


we are solely responsible for our inner happiness.

Listening "all the time to people's view point on things that matter to us "could be" decieving

according to a psychologist; no boy is bad, no girl is bad, it all boils down to enviroment.

the older we get, the wiser we become.

well said.

That is very correct. Thanks for your comment.

..i used to cut classes,at snack time me and a friend used to leave the school,that was in 4th Grade were so rebellious because we dont see the sense too,but then we realized cutting classes doesnt make any since either because we'll be going to school AGAIN tomorrow @southparkqueen.
...its always like that we need to act drastically be scolded and learn.

That totally reminds me of myself and some of the crazy things i did. Scolding almost became my daily routine. Thank you for sharing your comments

Damn Right You're pick up the truly point in this post, sometime we need to speak lot of but no anyOne listen the voice of heart, we should tell us our feelings only who you're love. Well your story is quite interesting and heart touching :)

thank you for your comment, am happy you were touched by the story.

your really make a good piont cause sometimes people will not listen to you or will not give imnportance to you but u will do those thing which attracts you to listen you.nice post love to read this one. and this @surpassinggoole always listen to everyone and support them god bless @surpassinggoogle

yes, that is the whole point. thank you for sharing your wonderful comment!

yap actually that what i get from your post to my heart!great thinking great people!stay bless my dear friend

That's totally awesome!

as long as we are atill young we must take life to the fullest

yes we must, and also remember to live life while we still can because time will come when we might regret not doing the things we wished we would have done!

My own students are actually sometimes act like this but the good thing is I am a patient person. Sometimes teachers need to consider how the students feel because the more negative they are the more they will hate school.

Great post!

it nice to know your point of view as a teacher, and you seem like a very understanding teacher! Am sure your students must love you!

That’s true, I am even more surprised to have a lot of patience in me

aww, thats very sweet of you! am sure you're doing great!

Yes, it all the same. Sometimes i do wonder when people dont answer or reply me back but after reading this post i think i just have to make people answer to me. a big thanks @surpassinggoogle for resteeming this post

Thank you for you comment! I am so glad you were touched by my post, some people out there are very good at taking others for granted and not seeing others points of view in life, thats were we are all different, but as much as possible other people' ignorance shouldn't affect our decision..

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