in #life6 years ago

image credit: Pixabay

 With so many challenges originating from the world today, it's really no surprise the mental distress that has plagued the minds of many especially the youth. It's difficult to say which is more alarming; the fact that this is the most populated generation in human history or the fact that it has been tagged as the most depressed. 

The world Health Organization (W.H.O.) suicide data of 2015 stated that close 800 000 people die yearly as a result of suicide which meant a person committed suicide every 40 seconds. It also stated that Suicide occured throughout the lifespan and is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally.  One most ask why young people decide to take their lives so prematurely and why suicide rates have increased by 60% in the last 45 years world wide. 90% of these suicide cases are caused by depression and substance abuse or mental health disorders. So the questions that arise are usually rhetorical. 

image credit: Pixabay

What makes a young person want to take his/her own life?  Why do these young people feel that death is the only option? Surely these  questions are with no immediate answers.  Yes, there are a lot of things going on right now in the world, people are tired of a lot of things and are giving up. Yes, the use of drugs and other narcotics have sky rocketed over the last few years because young people need something to cure the pain and this growing depression is a result of a breaking world. 

So is that it?  Do we all just give up and live in depression, death and disappointment? No. It's time we stand up to the corruption, crimes and pain. It's time we stand together and give the future a fighting chance and live with hope. It might be all we have but it may be all we may need to Change the tide.  Yes things might not be going well in ones life but we have to understand that life comes with challenges and we have to live with it, not only that but we have to rise above them and become stronger. 

image credit: Pixabay

In the end the youth have to understand that for us to mend a broken world, we have to mend our mental state first of all, and from there we can state to make a difference little by little and maybe one day when we look at our children we won't see depression and pain but joy and happiness, if we start now, maybe, Just maybe a world free from termoil would be built and the next generation would not seek an escape instead of a solution.  

Let's fight together, let's make a difference, step by step, little by little and our number would be used for strength which would save the world and not destroy it, let the future generations say it was us who saved the world when it was so close to be doomed forever.  

I dedicate this post to all those out there who have had thoughts of committing suicide, those who are sad, those who haven't discovered their purpose in this life and those who think that life is not worth living.

Life is a precious gift, let's save it.   


Lets enjoy life will it lasts.
For anyone out there going through life,
Hold On, take a deep breath and know that your miracle is on the way.


yes, as long as they can hold on, then they could get through even the worse, depression is very dangerous it makes life seem worthless,miserable, hopeless, alone and sad many people feel this way.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

It also stated that Suicide occured throughout the lifespan and is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally.
It should be occurred instead of occured.

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