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RE: International Marriage Woes: The Metric System and C* vs. F*

in #life6 years ago

This inevitably reminds me of that failed NASA Mars mission from the late '90-ies, not long after NASA decided to switch everything to metric. They subcontracted a rover to a company which somehow forgot about that switch and interpreted the dimensions sent by the NASA as being imperial. So the thing crashed at landing on Mars.
Coming back to marriage, I think cultural differences can be a long-term challenge. Somehow the first 20 years of our lives imprint our behaviour much more than the next 60. And here I think C° and F° are anecdotic.

Although I have to say, the C° makes sense even to a 7 years old: 0°C is where water freezes; 100°C is where water boils (both under 1 Pa). I can't say what's the meaning of the F° scale. Can you ?


Not at all, I cannot defend F in the slightest.

Very cool example @sorin.cristescu, I'll remind my wife that if we're not careful we could end up a giant galactic fireball.. haha

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