in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

Are you enjoying life? Do you consider yourself happy right now? If given the chance, will you live the same kind of life all over again?
Do you have more sad moments in your over-all experiences?
Are you in a stress mode every so often?


Happiness is what we all desire. There will never be an experience of fulfillment and satisfaction without happiness. The main secret of happiness is that it does not have any. We just need to look at the obvious and choose what is best for us. Sometimes, there is no need for us to go places. All we have to do is to look deep inside us. All we need to learn is to love what we do. When we choose happiness, we find it regardless of situations and people, problems and difficulties, time and age. Happiness is contagious. When we are happy, we influence those that are within our circle.

Happiness is not just about the good thing we feel. It is not limited to pleasure, comfort and satisfaction. It goes deeply into our values and the purpose of our existence. It is what makes life really worth living. We all must have experienced happiness in varying degrees. No one is sad, frustrated or unlucky enough so as not to know somehow what happiness means. However, some people experience more happiness.


Source of happiness may come from finding the right place for you, doing the things you like, living with your loved ones, achieving greatness, succeeding in some endeavors, doing what is expected of you, contributing to the growth of society, amassing great wealth or simply being true to yourself, ect.
Your time on earth is limited. You were not aware when it had begun, you are not aware when will it end. This calls you to be more conscious of the present moment. Make every experience a moment of learning, every challenge and inspiration, every problem instructive. Real happiness depends on the importance you attach to the present moment. Do not delude yourself into thinking that you have a long way to go. Make every day a celebration of existence, not allowing a day to pass without recognizing the opportunity it brings. Now is the time to shine. Make today your masterpiece. Every night before you sleep you should be able to say that day is not first day of the rest of your life but also the best day of the life you have lived so far.



There are endless possibilities as to why do certain things. We act in certain way because:
• We want to achieve peace of mind
• We want to seek for more pleasure.
• We want to avoid pain.
• We want to express our love.
• We want to get more love.
• We want to express our disappointments.
• We want to contradict a person.
• We want to earn.
• We want find some significance.
• We want to profess our fidelity.
• We want to live what our faith requires.
• We want to show our concern.
• We want to test our skills.
• We want to set some goals.
• We want to fulfill a dream.

The list could go on and on but all the things we want have thing in common- they make us feel better. They make us happy. We do not always see the obvious- that every single thing we do is an attempt to get more happiness. To do otherwise is sheer foolishness. Even the things that make us unhappy are done because they make us feel better. Thus, people who are unhappy that way. Even bad habits are perceived to be fulfilling certain needs and therefore, they contribute to the quality of our life. This is the fundamental reason why bad habits are hard to break.
There is a lot of opportunity to be happy. Every opportunity will either make us feel better or bad. It all depends on how we handle our reactions and ways of thinking. Problems, pain and other discomforts are inevitable. A life of misery and despair is a product of our own choosing. We do not live our life happily in the absence of problems and the challenges we encounter every day.


“For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”

My dear friends be happy; it bring bring more blessings unto your life.

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Happiness is a free choice yet others failed to embrace it. If every one only choose to live a happy life despite of any situations we are in and circumstances we have, we would probably have a one peaceful world.

yes, bro, i agree with you. i also believe happy people are always travelling. no wonder you are one of them. hhahaha.

My tagline for my videos is "be sure to fit-in-fun no matter what and that is the reason for my user name. Life is too short to be miserable!

I'm coming to you from @kryptonia with the same user name :)

Have a great day and my Kryptonia account is @ianstevenson

nice post.. thanks for sharing

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