Welcome To The Jungle - OnLine Dating in 2018 (First in A Series of the Disasterous Experience of my OnLine Dating)

in #life6 years ago

So here's my profile on "Plenty of Fish" -


"INFP - Really turned on by people who can demonstrate competence at various things. I really find it thrilling to meet people who are really really great at what they do. A big turn-off for me would be virtue-signals. I am not interested in "feminist men". I have even less interest in whether or not you are a vegan or how inclusive you are, or whether you have a literary/music library that caters almost exclusively to "Canadian Content" or rubbish like that. (Not that I am calling Canadian Content rubbish... but I hope you get the point) - I like competent, authentic non-status seeking human beings who are intelligent. If this self-summary is offensive to you, youtube search for Jonathan Pie and watch until you hopefully find it more amusing than offensive, and then feel free to get in touch. ALSO -- not into HOOK UPS or meeting you if you are cheating on your spouse or girlfriend. I do realize how angry that sounds. I am not trying to be angry. I'm trying to convey that I'm not interested in people who do not have integrity. Nor am I keen on those who are not sincere about attempting to uphold their chosen values. We may not have common values - but that's what a date or coffee talk would likely allow us to explore. However, I'm just getting too old to spend a lot of time with people who are not in the very least sincere . I'm a sucker for sincerity and authenticity. I'm not impressed with time/emotion wasting head games. (Is anybody?) -- I don't have huge amounts of time and energy to spend on here. But I am actually interested in meeting new people and if things feel right, exploring where that goes with the right fella. If this sounds like it might be you, then please do get in touch. Let's talk. Cheers!"

I won't go into details about HOW I ended up with such an angry sounding profile. But suffice it to say I have met some real WINNERS online so far. Yes... I do realize that I'm probably nobody's ideal catch either. Divorcing at 46 with 2 children... No current steady gainful employment and mental health issues. Yes. I do get that. So I am NOT complaining. I am just pointing out that it seems like EVERYBODY (just about) that I have met in the on-line dating world is either BITTER AND ANGRY AND CYNICAL as hell about it... OR they are weirdo creep pervert cheaters....

Anyways -- on a brighter note, I made an invitation to one guy who seemed decent and interesting to go for a coffee and swim in my apartment complex pool later this week. I will let you know how that goes.


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