Why We Should Work Against Society | Save The Next Generation

in #life7 years ago
"Remember children, for every exit there is also an entrance." - Milligan

The society has a major impact in our lives whether we except it or try to avoid it. We´ve been taught to look a certain way in order to be accepted by other people. 

SKINNY = anorexic 

THICK = obese 

VIRGIN = too good



QUIET = rude

Society will always try to change us and make us feel uncomfortable about ourselves. I have posted a blog about how to be unique and this is actually a great topic to start with. Teenagers these days are definitely scared to be theirselves! If you would have a look at most girls from the age 13 to at least 18, they all have the same style, attitude, the way they walk, handle things etc. Thats because society tells them how to do it. I´ll give you some examples from beauty "gurus" on social media.

Huda Beauty 

Huda Kattan is a blogger & make-up artist turned into a business woman. She has over 21 million followers on Instagram, over 1.3 million Followers on Facebook and nearly 2 million subscriber on Youtube. So with more than 24 million supporter, she is one of the biggest influencer on social media! Lets have a look at her appearance - big lips, bright eyes, much make-up, tiny nose, flawless skin, fake fingernails, perfect hair and no wrinkles at the age of 33.

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian is maybe the biggest influence to young women! With more than 102 million followers on Instagram, 30 million likes on Facebook and nearly 55 million followers on Twitter makes her the brightest sky in the beauty industry. What does she look like ? big lips, bright eyes, flawless skin, high cheek bones, no wrinkles at the age of 36, tiny nose, perfect straight hair and bronzed skin

Kylie Jenner 

Kylie Jenner is the youngest sister of Kim Kardashian. Of course she also turned into an influencer at a young age since her whole family got popular during their own TV show - Keeping Up With The Kardashians. She has over 97 million followers on Instagram which makes her a huge influence on others. Kylie is pretty successful with her own brand Kylie Cosmetics. Her company has made $420 million in retail sales in less than 18 months and she just turned 19! I am actually very impressed but I want to focus on her appearance right now - big lips, bright eyes, flawless skin, high cheek bones, tiny nose, silky smooth hair, a lot of make-up and an edgy thin


Amra Olevič is a very talented make-up artist living in Los Angeles. She has 5.4 million followers on Instagram which means she is pretty successfulion doing what she loves - beauty! Her appearance is the same as of the women I mentioned above - full lips, a lot of make-up, high cheek bones, silky smooth hair, tiny nose and no wrinkles at all

I could mention a few more but I guess you understand what I try to tell you right now. These women above are far away from being ugly. All of them are pretty in their own ways and also pictures with no make-up on aren´t even that bad. As far as I am able to judge their personalities through social media, some of them are struggling with the pressure being such a thriving person in the society and others are actually living their dream. But are these the right people to look up to? Its always about having the biggest lips, straightest and silkiest hair, tiniest nose and being better in all categories which they brought up by themselves. Counting those 4 personalities together, round about 300 million people are subscribed to their profiles which means millions of young girls chose them as an idol. Not to mention that most of those influencers also got boob jobs, butt implants, lip injections etc. I am definitely not a fighter against plastic surgery, if someone is really unhappy with their look and there is no way to naturally fix it, I am open for every decision and say go for it! But I am going to show you pictures of those individuals BEFORE they got surgeries and make-up lessons. 


Amra Oliveč

Kylie Jenner 

Kim Kardashian West

Huda Kattan


Well, I think that all of them were amazingly beautiful and attractive women! It wasnt really a "shock" for me seeing the before and after pictures because these women had nothing to hide. Small lips, bigger nose, curly hair. Who cares? This is YOU! Its unique, special and no one will ever look the same again. 

Why I am talking about those influencers is just because I want to protect the next generation, our children. Plastic surgeries have been getting viral and also girls under 18 are starting to cut theirselves into pieces just to look like their idols. Social media has created filters so you can hide your blemishes, uneven skin texture, dark circles or filter to brighten your eyes, pumping your lips or even change your skin tone. My friend @agent wrote an interesting post a few months ago where she explained those filters and this topic in general. We grew up in almost the same environment so my friend @mrs.steemit and I share the same thoughts just like Agent. Mrs.Steemit also wrote an interesting blog about beauty standards a few months ago which is showing you what girls are craving since last year.

In my opinion we should start educating our kids to read more often, to love theirselves how they were born, to be confident, enjoy their talents for example playing a music instrument or doing dance classes like I did. 

I am not saying that the look isnt important. Our society is built on the appearance and yes, you should look neatly and cultivated but still be yourself. Now since Steemit is growing faster and faster, we get the chance to be the new influencer in this world. We have the choice to make a better life especially for the next generation. 

Of course I´m not a mother yet but I still have a voice. I got to teach kids starting at the age of 4 - teenagers are asking me for advices and as I said, Steemit is such a huge opportunity in many ways. There is so much more than just "beauty". 

Its okay to be yourself, it´s okay to wear not the newest clothes from the store, it´s okay to go out without make-up, it´s okay to be natural! 

I recently read a quote which made me thinking about my life too!

"She needs make-up to cover up because society taught her who she is, isn´t enough"

To be honest with you, this touched my heart. So many girls are starting to cover their faces with make-up at an age where I still played with cars and dolls in our garden not thinking about beauty standards at all! What has changed? I dont want my kids to be scared showing who they really are, going through painful surgeries just not to look like who they truly are. Why cant we change society to love  yourself and being different is COOL ?

I am pretty sure that most of my readers agree with what I am writing today. I have been around social media for a few years now, even if I havent owned an account by myself but I still checked whats "hot" and what is "not". The tendency of teenagers doing surgery is rising. Doesn´t matter if its about boob implants, lip injections, nose jobs etc. As I said earlier, I agree that some people are doing surgeries because they have such a huge problem their whole life which can be fixed in minutes. If you are happier then, do it! But people dont even stop with that. They want more and more which turns out to get something like an addiction. 

These problems would never got into our minds if the society would accept flaws! 

Why I named the header "Why we should work against society" can be well explained. Kids are going to be destroyed mentally and physically. If they do not fit into the picture of a "perfect" human being, they will fight against those feelings not to be enough for the rest of their lifetime! 

Have you made any experiences with the quote above? Well, I did. When I was bullied at school I thought it was because of my look. I changed my clothes, switched up the make-up routine and chose idols who werent even confident about theirselves. I still haven´t the body I wish for but for me its all about being healthy, proud of who I am and fixing those insecurities in my head. If we are strong enough to start a new era of education, it will have a huge impact and benefit on our children!

 📚  Thanks for reading  📚

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 

*Image source - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  6 | 7 | 8 | 9 


Some good points raised in this article.

"In my opinion we should start educating our kids to read more often, to love theirselves how they were born, to be confident, enjoy their talents for example playing a music instrument or doing dance classes like I did. "

With all due respect, these are just empty platitudes. No amount of "educating" will block out the daily barrage of propaganda from Hollywood.

Btw, Kim Kardashian looks gorgeous without makeup, Amra Oliveč as well. Why these women put on so much makeup to distort those pretty faces is beyond my comprehension.

Totally agree, all of them are looking gorgeous without surgeries and make-up ! We should start with education but we need to change the whole view of society! As this social media here is growing, our voice is growing as well

Didn't Alicia Keys start going out makeup-free as of late to promote a more natural look?

No one ever liked me in high school, I never wore makeup , I did not do my eyebrows until I was in 11 grade . Man everyone thought I was dark and ugly because all of the popular girls wore short shorts and makeup all the time . They were favored while people like me sat by them self during lunch.

Man , society really judges you for what you wear , the makeup you have , and even from the littlest to the biggest things . These stars are suppose to teach us to be ourselves , love ourselves . But they are teaching us if we don't wear this makeup or dress like this , people will look down on us .

I promise , my future kids will be raised different , our society is so messed up that even 6 year olds now wear makeup . I mean why is society based on what people like ?! Why can't we all be ourself and express ourself in different ways, because man, if we were all the same , we would be very boring .

I want my kids to be happy of who they are and not end up like I did in school, bullied and always left alone . Man this brought tears to me..

Oh my dear thank you for being so honest! I love reading your opinion because I think we share the same thoughts!
I went trough similar situations but not because of my look which makes this topic not as similar as it seems. Being judged just because of the look is terrible and I will definitely teach my future kids the opposite! I am so thankful that people like you have found their path, stayed strong and are now enjoying life after all those issues!

Kids can be so mean especially during high school! If society would expect the way we are, non of this would ever happen to our kids !

I agree , this is why I always look forward to your posts !

I hope to teach my future kids and many other kids to just be themselves .

I will be stronger than I was yesterday , just like a @solider

Am following you now...i like your personality @journeyoflife

inspired by your story dear...you are right,in this era people have stopped doing what they really want....instead they emulate what other people pose as "right"

Its crazy. I had a friend who did surgery using loan money and now she us struggling to pay back that loan.

Wow crazy how life turned out right?
I mean if you have health issues or if you are struggling with huge difficulties, it´s okay to do surgeries but many people do it in purpose to look better which literally makes no sense for me because its also very dangerous

Life and karma are both a bitch. You will get what you deserve.

Its not always about the looks.

Thank you! Not many people have those thoughts, I mean many people are talking about it but at the end of the day they still care about the looks

Those people are selfish.

Great and very true post. It will take a lot of dedication and determination but we need to not be afraid to stand up against some of these societal issues. Thank you for sharing and keep steemin' on!

It really takes dedication and determination but we have a voice and since steemit is growing , our voice is growing too!

wow...such a nice post...upvoted as usual!!

Thanks, appreciate it

Wonderful post, never stop sharing.

Thanks for the motivation !!!

Don't listen to the noise around you.

Its not always the easiest thing if the whole generation of yours is talking about beauty standards and you should be the only one not hearing of what they say. I believe idols need to make the change ! But great advice, thank you

Play sports and dance you will be healthy and look good.

Yes you are very correct. I belief in from in to outside naturally beauty instead of artifical. Good one from you. It is a killer post.

Thanks appreciate it !!!! I agree, beauty comes from within !

Yah. just like yours.😁😁

Times have changed. Before the rise of social media and the internet in general teenagers didn't care that much about their looks and their style. That's why we played with toys and went outside to come back with mud and dirt all over our bodies. We didn't have smart phones and we didn't need facebook or instagram. We didn't need to look or act like someone else, thus we didn't need any idols. Teens nowadays are ruining themselves because their main goal is to look and be like someone popular while they should be trying to discover themselves instead. If this continues, we're just gonna see millions of empty shells, millions of society raised robots that look and act just like everyone else.

well done @trendo, couldn´t say it any better!

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