Turning misfortunes into positivity - What happened to me

in #life7 years ago

Today was such a nice day at the beginning. I woke up at 8 AM and the sun was already out shining through my window. I got ready and met my girl @mrs.steemit for a nice fitness session. 

We did a tough 1h workout and my body felt great after that! Now it was time to get ready for the day. But something was missing! My blazer jacket! I had it hang up over my gym bag but it wasn´ t there anymore. Uma told me to look in the car maybe I just forgot to take it with me. We put together our stuff and left the gym. The weather is totally beautiful today but a little too early to go out in just a top. We searched through the whole car but there was no jacket. We had to rush because our schedule said we needed our next task to get done in the next hour but we still were in front of the gym. I went upstairs and asked everyone who was working in the fitness center if anyone had seen my blazer but no success. No one had seen it so I needed to left the gym without a jacket. Alright this is not a big deal, I thought to myself. Its just a jacket and you can buy a new one. The sun is out just enjoy the day. 

We drove to our next location, parked the car and now I wanted to put on my sunglasses. I got them for my birthday so they were pretty expensive. As the day was just getting started, another thing happened to me right after. When I took the sunglasses out of the case, the frame just fall off. I was close to freak out but I didn´t want to have a bad mood so we went out to get breakfast with no jacket and no glasses

When we arrived at the restaurant called „ Tau Frisch“ I took out my purse to pay for the food we just ate and what else could had happened? My purse just ripped off and the money was falling out! Of course it was also an expensive wallet which I got last year. Now I was extremely close to freak out! Why is everything happen to me at the same time ? 

But I thought this might be a challenge. Such bad things happened to me today but that shouldn't be a reason to think negative or let it ruin my mood. I am exited for the day, the sun is out and I have great plans for today with my girl @mrs.steemit

I am writing about this because I know many people who would started crying or getting angry because the things were pretty expensive and to go out in Germany without a jacket is quite risky. It doesn´t matter WHAT  happen to you, it matters what you make out of it!

Energy is a reaction inside you! In other words, anything that makes you tick, ponder, feel, or react. It comes in different ways and also in positive and negative. Don´t ever let negative energy overcome you! There is always a way out and a light at the end of the path! 

Especially in moments like that you just want to lose your mind and scream. But I have some tips and trick how to calm down and combat the negative...

  1. Take a moment and see what feelings underlie your fears. Then take a deep breath and think about how you would like to feel instead. Every feeling comes from your mind! You are able to change it immediately if you want to!
  2. Instead of gripping at fear or in this case at a mishap and worrying about whether or not something will work out, just know that it will. You send out energy and I believe that everything you send out comes back to you! So just think about a good that will happen to you and in most cases it will!
  3. And last, ask the universe for what you want and then let go of the outcome. Don´t ever think about the bad outcome! Just think about the good! Of course its not easy but try out to focus on the good for at least one whole week!

I know it is hard to change your whole mentality just in a second. That´s why a give myself challenges every now and then. I give myself tasks which I need to get done in a period of time. Or if its a character task like thinking positive in every situation. I am going to try thinking never negative a whole week doesn´t matter what will happen to me!

Quote of the day -
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time -Thomas Edison

Thank you for coming with me trough my journey and now its time to find a new purse, new blazer and new sunglasses. ( laughing* ) 

See you hopefully in my next post 

Have a great day! 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier


"Every day you are on this side of the sod is a good day"

Very encouraging!

Thanks !

Great post. Thank you. Following. Peace.

Thank you. Appreciate it !

All my followers get upvoted whatever. My payback to you. Peace and longevity.

Mindset is the key :-)
Hat mir gut gefallen und ich hoffe dass dein Rest Tag enstpannter verlaufen ist.

Danke! Der Tag hat noch ein paar Stunden aber mit einem positiven Geist kann jeder Tag schön werden ;)

Awesome! You sound very optimistic!

Thanks! You need to be optimistic otherwise your day will be ruined

Vieln Dank für diese Geschichte. So ist eben das Leben. Bei so einer Situation denke ich mir oft: Wirst du dich in einem Jahr immer noch darüber ärgern??
Mit diesem gedanklichen Klimmzug geht der Ärger schnell wieder vorbei.
Vielleicht taucht zumindest deine Jacke wieder auf - wer weiß?
Schöne Grüße an Uma, die ich vor kurzem hier in München kennengelernt habe. Sie war zusammen mit Ned auf der Blockshow.

Viel Dank für dein Kommentar. Da kann ich dir nur zustimmen! Der ärger ist vergänglich.
Liebe Grüße zurück nach München :)

you will start having to buy higher quality items ;) made of fine metal and wood and leather etc
this is a sign of Germany Importing low quality cheap goods LOLOL

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