ThursdayTherapy #I

in #life7 years ago

When you follow me for quite some time now, you might know that I am a lover of quotes. Quotes are sentences build with powerful single words which have the ability to get deep into our feelings. I´ve never been a crying person in general and also love movies such as titanic didn´t change anything. When I found my passion for quotes, I realized that some of them are more powerful then others. Some of them really touch my heart and get deep inside my feelings. It could be motivation, love, strength or whatever you ask for...

Steemit is not only a blogging platform for me. Once I started on this site I was happy to meet such a lovely and kind-hearted community. I started very successfully and made it to the trending page a few times. I learned more about Cryptocurrency and also about the blockchain. A few months after studying the system and getting to know everything better, I started to understand that this platform is not only a page for people to share their knowledge. You can also use it as a diary which will stay here forever. After that realisation, I wanted to make sure that profile is something that I want to read about when I get older. The money and power we get is for sure a huge bonus but having such a supporting community means a lot more. 

I have searched and googled almost every quote site you can imagine and when you need some powerful words in certain situations, you don´t want to search for it an hour long. I´ve came across some energetic quotes that help me to focus better, stay in the zone or help me to keep going. Do you ever wanted to stay at home instead of going to work? Have you ever laid in bed instead of getting up and get stuff done? Have you ever quit a diet because you lost the motivation to keep going? Try to pin some of the following quotes, that matches your reality, on the fridge, mirror or any piece of furniture you use everyday. Remind yourself to loudly read it and consolidate the words...

M O T I V A T I O N 

Motivation might be the strongest topic in this article. You can use motivational words in every situation. In your job, friendship, life goal, sports or wherever you want to have a push. 

Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.


If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal


Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die


I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me


When you feel like quitting, think about why you started

I could go on and on and I will probably write a few more articles about motivational quotes because they never stop inspiring me. But since I have a few other topics, I will go on...

F R I E N D S H I P 

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts that we can get. Having people around you who accept who you are but use your flaws to strengthen you is really one of our biggest blessings. I struggled for many years to find the right people where I belong to. I luckily found them but others may not in a whole lifetime...

Honesty is a very expensive gift, don´t expect it from cheap people


Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.


If you fully trust someone without any doubt, you finally get one of two results: A person for life or a lesson for life


Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned. 


A true friend doesn't have to understand your decisions, they just have to respect them.

Not every person is blessed with a lot of love but I hope the most are... I am a character that needs a lot if self-time but this doesn´t mean that I don´t need love from other people around me. I am glad when I come to visit my family and they welcome me with a huge smile on their faces. I feel blessed when I meet my friends and get a long hug after not seeing each other for quite some time. I almost start crying when people who I really love come back into my zone and spent time with me together. The feeling of true love is priceless. Relationships, friendships, acquaintances, pets, family members and every kind of loving energy is positive energy which is the most powerful gift a human can have.... 

L O V E 

To love is not only a feeling, it is also an energy. Energies flow through our bodies and sometimes we forget about feeling them. Reading those quotes help me to focus on the inner feeling and reconnect with my soul, my true desire. 

Love is, when the other person´s happiness is more important than your own


 Love is like the sun: has its inner energy source that shines on you


There are two types of pains. One that hurts you and the other that changes you


 Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you


Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out.

When I talk about love, I mean all different types of love. But the most important thing is to first love yourself. People are only able to fall in love with you when you already did it. 

I hope you enjoyed this little quote journey and feel enough energy to master the last days of the week. Thank you for reading 

Stay   focused

Love, Soldier 


And you know I’m a big quote lover as well, I used to apply it to my daily life and motivate myself to be better . I liked the one on honesty being expensive , you know how people are in this world

Ahhh @soldier .. I LOVE this post! I am such a 'Quote junkie' too! I am forever looking for quotes - mainly to place under a photo on Instagram haha!. You have got some great one's above - very very powerful! I normally just type in my 'subject' into a search engine and click 'images', and some good one's show up that way too! Quotes are always the way forward, especially when you're not too sure about using your own words :-) Upvoted x

Good evening soldier, I only have one friend, the word friendship is very big,
Not everyone knows how to be friends.

well really awesome to read this best quotes and always quotes motivate us with small but strong words and in small sentences we can find our path of life and get a big and great succes in world if we try to think on quotes deeply
thanx for this awesome post and share the best quotes with us @soldier

WOOW really i enjoyed your little quote journey and all qutoes with heading of love, friendship and motivations are perfect and i really like these brilliant wonderfull quotes,, you are always my best and ideal @soldier mam

I am a bit fan of motivational quotes, too... or maybe I should say uplifting quotes. I think we all do well to lift up and encourage each other, even if we don't see face-to-face.

I particularly like this one: "Blowing out someone else's candle does not make your own burn any brighter."

My motivation in life is based in my goals and how can improve my life style and help people, so having that in mind that's the reason to work hard everyday and my big motivation. Regards

Inspiration statement would be genuine critical to build up our life achievement. You pleasantly disclosed your experience to us. Most motivation love and fellowship content whole.

its good and exllent style to share the exllent quotes in catgories and give heading to and share you doing a exllent job in this platfarm and i am really happy to find your blog
i appriciate you for this todays best post to share some beautifull and moarly quotes

awesome to realize that you adore cites additionally I am an admirer of statements and I completely concurred with you (Quotes are sentences work with capable single words which can get profound into our sentiments)

the this is the best statements and adive for get achievement

On the off chance that the arrangement doesn't work, change the arrangement, yet never the objective

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