How to trick your mind - Chapter 4

in #life7 years ago

Spring finally arrived back home in Germany and it is natures way to say "Lets party“. Do you also feel the energy flowing through your body? You feel satisfied and exited for the day. You want to plan great adventures outside or you´re motivated to try new things

That has a simple declaration. When the sun rays reach your skin, your body pours out hormones of happiness which let you feel the energy and positivity around you. One of these hormones is serotonin. It is responsible for various tasks in the body like the feeling of fullness, sugar metabolism and the setting for our day-night rhythm. Furthermore it increases your well-being

But not the whole popularity lives in sunny states. I personally grew up in a country where the sun shines maybe 4-6 months a year. So I needed some tasks to trick my mind to be also that satisfied and exited like in summer when the sun is out… 


If you ask someone a question, they cannot help but answer. Even if they don't say the answer or may not have the solution, your question is etched into their brain.  In the same way you ask yourself thousands of questions everyday and whatever you ask, your brain cant help but try to answer.    

I´ll give you a short example -   

You ask yourself...

"What´s wrong with me today?“   

Your poor little brain tries to come up with an effective answer like "I could never do this“ or "I am an idiot “ or maybe 

"I am too dumb “… 

All these leading questions make you die a little inside.  So think positive and positive things will come back to you! 


Many people feel exhausted in the "dark months“ of the year. They used to take sugar to bolster their energy reserves but thats a wrong idea. Fatigue breaks us down emotionally and physically. It wreaks havoc to our immune system and makes us more susceptible to depression, illness and few other things.  Proper nutrition and the right timing to eat can do wonders! Maybe I will talk about the right food and the right timing to eat for boosting your energy in another post, so let me know in the comments below if you´re interested in this topic.  


You maybe read a lot about drinking a lot to keep your skin and body hydrated. It will prevent you from headaches and a lot of other pain. But water also boosts your energy! You don't need to drink tonnes of liters a day. 2 liters would be great but you can tell you´re well hydrated when your urine is light-colored and you don't feel thirsty.


I already talked about the right tunes in one of my last posts. But I still keep to that topic because the right tune makes you feel energized and happy. Everybody has a different taste which is totally fine. So put on a great playlist just how you like it and turn up the volume to start the day fresh and hyped.  There are plenty researches on what does music to your body. In the research from the group led by Prof. Daniel J. Levitin of McGill University's Psychology Department, they found two particular areas of benefit : in the immune system and in mental state reducing stress. Stress is a big problem which shrinks your energy a lot.


Exercise is a natural energy booster. No matter where or when you do it, oxygen-rich blood surges through your body to your heart, muscles, and brain. So take at least 10 minutes a day and keep your energy level at its peak. You do not need a high class workout a day. It is enough to do little jumps or even if it's just to pace in circles while you're on the phone.

I am glad that summer starts in most countries of the world in a few weeks. To feel the real sunshine on my skin is priceless and I cant wait to go outside, meditate in the sun and feel the energy flowing through my veins.... 

Thank you for your time reading my post. I hope you liked it.

See you soon

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier


Summer is always welcome! I can say your words are completely true. I do all that things to push myself towards a higher state of wellness, producivity and happiness.

Thank you for your great comment! Not many people have this mindset

Keep spreading the word :)

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