How to trick your mind - Chapter 11

in #life7 years ago
"Not everyone will understand your journey. That´s okay. You´re here to live your life, not to make everyone understand." 

Is life like heaven or is it like hell? 

What is life? 

It doesn´t matter. I believe everyone of us is here for a reason and someone gave us the control to create a life how we want it to be! We are the ones who are able to change almost everything just my a decision. In my opinion, the real beauty of life doesn´t depend on how happy YOU are. It´s how happy others can be because of you. But before you are able to make the people around you happy, YOU need to be happy and feel great. We have so many negativity inside of us which made us forget to love life sometimes. No matter in what circumstances you are, you have the ability to get out of it, start fresh and reach the goal you dreamed of! I do think that everything happens for a reason but you can influence  your destiny as well. 

"Love life and it will love you back"

We all heard of this quote in our lives but did we really paid attention to it? I can only talk about my experiences but this quote is actually my lifestyle. Everything I do will come back to me sooner or later. You can call it karma, destiny, the universe or whatever you want to name it. 

We make so many mistakes which is totally fine but if we have the ability to change the way we live into a much more positive and happier way, why do we chose to stay stressed, tired, annoyed, irritated, unhappy, sad or hurt?

In this episode of how to trick your mind, I want to show you some quick ways how to change your mindset immediately.  Surely you need to believe in what I am saying and trying to test it out in order to succeed. If it doesnt work, do it again. Do it again and do it again. Life is all about learning and also we human beings need to learn to be happy as well. 

Now let me start with a few points that will lead you to a more positive and happier life...


Does this sound weird? Appreciate? What should we appreciate? 

Everything that is given to you, be it food, water, a roof over the head, a job, friends, a lovely pet or anything that you own... Start to appreciate it! If you go through a hard day because the job may be stressful, your bank account writes red numbers, it´s again raining during hot summer season, someone crashed your car... All of this is just a challenge to go through. Believe me, if you start to appreciate the little things in life, you will feel the positive energy inside you! 

"I´m not telling you it´s going to be easy, I´m telling your it´s going to be worth it." 

Be Kind

It happens to me more often that people are getting very rude. No matter where I am, the customer service is getting rude, police officers also and random people on the streets as well. There are two ways to handle those situations. First you can get upset, giving your answer in an angry way and think about how the person who made you upset could possibly behave different. Second you could be the change and react as positive as you can even if you think the person now doesnt deserve it. I came to a point in life where I determined for myself that I am never able to judge. Who gave me the power to judge any other people? That´s why I advise you to be kind to everyone who passes you way. 

"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always."

Think positive

This might be harder that it sounds. You know the thoughts in your head when something pisses you off and you curse for a "reason" ? Well, actually there is no reason. If everything would go the right way all the time, life would be boring with no adventures. This also works when you are hurt or miss someone. There are always good ways to deal with it, you just need to find the right path.

"Remember, for everything you have lost, you have gained something else. Without the dark, you would never see the stars."


This is quite funny because I wrote about smiling and positivity in my very first episode of "How to trick your mind ". The smile has something magical not even in front of other people, also for yourself. If you smile more through out the day, you will feel more positivity inside you. Yes it´s that simple. Just smile even if you do not feel like it!

"Make a smile your signature accessory!"

Don´t worry

Do you remember me saying that if you love life, life will love you back? The same applies for thoughts. I believe that most of the things we think of, will happen to us later on. Stop worrying and start hoping. Even if you dont believe in the power of the universe, most of the things you are worrying about dont even happen, so dont be concerned about something, it just takes a lot of energy for no reason. 

"What consumes your mind, controls your life."



Life is an adventure. Make the best of it because you never know what happens after that...

If every day would be great, you wouldnt be grate- and thankful for the special moments anymore. 

There are still many other ways to get into a happier life. One of them is definitely forgiveness

I hope you enjoyed this post and little reminder to focus more on the positive because life is just too short to worry about anything!

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 

*Image source - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |


this is a really good representation for those we talk to everyday or in steem! seems like everything is going well :)

You're right 🙂

You bring some good tricks and suggestions. Stay positive is a very important one. Start hoping, that is the only one I do not really agree with. But less worrying, I agree again.

It's okay not to agree with anything and I am thankful for your feedback. Thank you 😊

It's truly amazing articles you made my day:))

Thank you, I am glad to hear this

I love your mind tricks! I would be afraid of meeting you in person.

Oh no why that? I love meeting you guys. Every Steem meetup that I attended was such a pleasure.

Actually I wouldn't mind getting hypnotized("mindtricked") by you.

Life is literally what we make it , we we want to be negative , it will be negative if we want to do wrong things , things will go wrong but if we spread happiness we will always be happy . I feel like I've spent like my being so sad that I take everything so negatively . Ever since I stopped caring about little things , I'm so much more happier

This is so true and I agree with that 100%! Everything you do comes back sooner or later!

thank you for being so active on steem. i notice your high energy messages every day!

I feel blessed to be able to share my thoughts with such a huge and great community.

how can i stay positive in this hot summer :O . JK

hope all is well ;)

Everything's good thanks and for you?
Here is sadly no summer at all. 18 degrees, grey clouds and rain almost every day

damn you always post when here is 2AM :(

Yeah I know, it´s 2 AM over here too. I am very night active and most creative at night time. I dont know why, maybe because no one is disturbing me and I have so much silence around me

Great content..I strive to live by many of these beliefs. Thank you for sharing.

That´s great! Many more people should live by those advises. Thanks

@soldier Thank you for reassuring positivity, as always :) Much love

Glad you liked it :)

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