How To Become A Blogger

in #life7 years ago

If you clicked on this article, than this is your first step of becoming a crypto blogger who is still able to make history! 

Blogging has become the most popular way of spreading news and information. There are millions of blogs online but you still have the chance to stand out, get noticed and be original! It´s also a great way to express yourself, talk about things you like and share stories without talking in front of a camera, speaking to other people or reaching out to journalists who might never publish your article... 

“Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

But if you already clicked on my blog, than you have heard about Steemit which will reward you with crypto currency by posting unique content! My journey here started in August 2016. I was already into the crypto business because of @sirwinchester but I had no idea how to write and create a blog. I used to be in front of cameras, performing with other artists on stage but I had no experiences in putting my words into letters... I made my way through, practiced and posted even if I wasn´t too happy how it turned out. And here I am now. Over 3600 people are following my blog daily, I get private messages on how to become a blogger, I am always overwhelmed by all the comments after posting an article and people start to recognize me on other social media platforms! This is crazy...

I know that most Steemians are still struggling to get noticed and I made the same experience. Luckily @sirwinchester helped me a lot so now it´s my turn to help you. Before I start doing contests to win reposts or stuff like that, I will share some tips and tricks because I am still working on my number of followers so you can have a bigger audience when I´ll pick you. This is going to start at around 4k-5k followers, so stay tuned for that. 

“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”

Crypto blogging is not very different from "normal" blogging. I only believe that Steemit has another audience than most blogging platforms which is definitely a good thing. People on here notice when you aren´t real or try to be somebody else. They will push you away if you post snitched content or write about topics that aren´t true so choose wisely what you want to publish, just a little reminder by the side. 

Here are my top 5 tips and tricks when it comes to blogging

Choose a niche

Humans are creatures of habit which simply means people know exactly what they want to read and trying something new might not be a thing for every body. If you choose a niche, people will know what your blog is about and love to come back every other day because they are here for a reason. Of course you should try out something new but stay safe at first and if you build an audience than you´ll have the chance to be a little exotic. 

Post regularly

This rule saved my "life". Nobody wants to follow a person, writer, artist or whoever, who posts irregularly. When I first started to post daily, my fanbase grew from 1000 to 3000 just in a few weeks. Only if people see your content, you´ll have the chance to get noticed by a bigger audience. Keep going even if you don´t feel like it. 

Be original

This may sounds harder than it actually is. You are born original. There is no one in the entire world who can tell stories like you, who writes like you, who feels like you and who made the same experience as you! Do not copy anything from others because it was seen already! Try something new and never forget who you are. 

Use a structure

The look is important. Yes, you might think it´s all about the content and this is almost correct but everything starts with the first look. If you meet a new person, if you want to buy a car, if you choose a travel destination, the first look is like the entry for everything that´s coming afterwards. (@sirwinchester taught me that) Design your own template, create your own unique banner and make sure to use a great display image!

Connect with your community

One thing people know about me is that I always answer the people who comment under my current article. Since I am traveling a lot, I didnt make it to answer them all but I constantly let them know when I am busy and my followers know I am coming back and will answer their comments later on. Engaging is one of the biggest rules when it comes to success. Treat your readers like family, let every single one know that he/she is important! This is the recipe of success and this make them stay. 

"Failure isn’t final until you quit.”

Never quit! You won´t be perfect just like me. I was struggling at the beginning, not knowing what people will think about my posts. But I kept going until I felt comfortable in talking to you through the letters...

I hope this will help you to create your own blog if you haven´t started yet. Or if you have, use this as a motivation to improve your writing skills and become a successful blogger! 

Thank you for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier


I need to learn from you and learn the techniques and like how you structured you post , I still don’t know how to . But from this platform we are all learning from one another

You are doing a great job sweetheart! Your topics are chosen very wisely and you keep doing, keep pushing even with a baby at home. You post constantly and there is always space for improvement but I see your progress... Much love

Yeap! Good stuff on this post.
Keep on steemit.

Love the quote!

The most important thing of your tips in my opinion is be original, i mean that's the key of success and the key for people know you. Regards

I agree, being original is maybe the most important rule in becoming a successful blogger! Thanks dim

thankyou, i am myself thinking about blogging. I will try my best with tips I got from your post :)

If you want it, try it! There is nothing which stops you. Good luck

Thank you for this great blogging information

Glad you like it!

I like your idea of niche and caring about your followers by replying to their comments, thanks for encouraging us. If we start writing something then only we can become a good blogger someday thanks.

Thats true! You need to start in order to succeed 💪🏽

Yes I will thanks

well pleasant to peruse your post and furthermore all other your posts are truly helpfull dependably I see many time your tips are helpfull for all them who attempt to take after these your work is great and I appriciate you for work for others to show every one of us better @soldier ....your blog is ideal

Thanks for so much love. I am glad that my tips are helpful for you!

Good post :)

Thanks for your advice. But it really hard to find out some unique idea.@soldier

Thats true... Start with something that you are passionate about but write and present it in your own style!

I tried. Whenever I start writing ,I can't finish it. It looks like that my words stuck in head. I fill it but I can't write it .@soldier

The very first rule of a blog is not to focus on having a great blog but focus on resolving the problems of your readers means what you are writing about should resolve the problems of your readers. Always write great content which is useful for your audience, it will help you get returning visits.
Your post is really great.

Thanks for the add! You should think about the reader, that´s very true but don´t forget to post what you are passionate about!

Very well said, We should write what we are passionate about, this is the way we will write genuine and original content. Our passion will push us to write regularly and it will also help us creating more content.

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