Dream Women Who Turned Into Artificial Looking

in #life7 years ago
"You can´t photoshop your personality."

Well, where do I start?

There are several beautiful women in this world and I believe everyone is beautiful in her own way... You can not judge a persons beauty just by her looking. The personality, character and mindset plays the biggest role in my opinion but also I had a few idols when I was younger. Guys were talking about them, you could see them in almost every Hollywood blockbuster, girls would die to look like them and the whole world decided to name them the most beautiful women of the world. I will talk about a few different generations but I`m pretty sure that you will know almost all of them!

What does it mean to be beautiful in my opinion when it comes to beauty on the outside?

Okay, first I want to make sure that I love the natural look of women. Make-up is okay, to have some beauty secrets is also okay but too many plastic surgeries, fake eyelashes, artificial looking lips and all those popular beauty tricks are definitely not what I like. Since I am an athlete myself, I like women who take care of their bodies. I can not say which type of nationality I like the most because every country has beautiful women and I do not prefer any colors or races. I am just talking about having an idol and my idols came from different continents but they turned into artificial looking which really shocked me because most of these girls defaced theirselves. But that´s enough talking for now. Let´s start with my top 5.

5. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is such a beauty icon and almost everyone knows  about her. She is really pretty and I like the way how she switched her reputation and became a world business woman! But there are some surgeries that she better shouldn´t have done!

This is a photo of her face that shows that she had done some surgeries. The most obvious thing is definitely her nose.

I believe that she was already beautiful before the surgery which you can see here. This is a picture when she was 15 and so pretty!

4. Shauna Sand

Shauna Sand is maybe mostly known from the Playboy-Magazine. She is also an American actress and I haven´t seen a lot of her since she is 46 years and not my generation. Anyway, I was shocked when I saw her before picture. She was one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen but this is all history as you can see here...

3. Mara Teigen

Mara Teigen is a model and social media influencer. She is known for her incredible beauty and everyone is obsessed with her lately. But little does you know, she didnt always look like that. 

2. Alena Shishkova 

Alena Shishkova was definitely the most beautiful girl on social media when I was younger. She is blond like me so I wanted to look like her. Her beauty and appearance was just amazing. But all of that isnt real as I found out a few years ago...

1. Megan Fox 

Can we just take a moment? Hands up for this beauty icon. Megan Fox was definitely the hottest girl on the planet when she was younger! She sadly operated her whole face into an artificial looking woman... 


Lets talk about this for a second. 

Plastic surgeries are totally fine when you have to deal with something that bothers you your entire life. But changing your whole face into a different person isn´t the right way. I think that most of these women were much more beautiful before they had done so much to their faces and I still cant understand why they did this. It always shows me that society isn´t good for our souls. They pressure you to look the best way possible otherwise people won´t accept you. But those women haven´t understand yet that the most beautiful way to look is their natural beauty! Beauty comes from within and if you learn to love the way you are, people will see how wonderful you actually are! You don´t need any surgeries or tons of make-up to cover up your true self! I mean, I also use make-up and love to play around with different looks but I don´t try to look like anyone else. I recently found out that almost every model has done lip injections. Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin and a lot more. this is scary because I thought they were beauty icons who should be role models for the younger generation but to be honest - they are actually not a good example. Yes, they are pretty but why don´t society teach young girls to express their true selves? To invest into the mindset instead of craving for a look that isn´t even real?! I´m sure everyone of you knows the answer... 

But what are your thoughts about plastic surgery? 

Thanks for joining me 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

Images - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


It seems that more and more people are afraid of being natural, they look for a filter in the instagram that makes the acne or wrinkles disappear, that angle where they look thinner, the eyebrow hairs are no longer fashionable, they are not artificial, so they paint their eyebrows to make them more geometric, more perfectly artificial. The artificial became the "beautiful" and the natural became the imperfect.

Its sadly true...

unfortunately alienation is a big business nowadays.

They all looked better before surgery to me. I guess I'm more attracted to natural beauty

Same for me. I am not into women but as an Idol I would definitely choose natural beauty too

Wow beautiful post

Thanks appreciate it

wow beautiful post

they are just the product of the environment they are living in.

since i saw your profile picture, you definitely decentraralized my heart:) keep up the good work, following for more :)

I think there nothing wrong in having a plastic surgery. All women wants to be beautiful and almost all wants to be more beautiful, if have the money they can achieve the looks they dream, though some wish to get the new look they want they can't afford. So lucky for those who become more prettier after the surgery, and so sad to those who's surgery turned bad.

Thanks for your honest answer! I agree at some point that there is nothing wrong in having done a plastic surgery but I think women should more represent the natural beauty in order to teach young girls to love themselves just the way they are. Surgeries aren´t risk free and most of the women turned out in looking very artificial.

Excellent article and a good question, plastic surgery is not as terrible as it is embellished, but still remember it remains surgery. This is a full-scale intervention in your health. And before exposing your body to this stress, think carefully about whether the ovchinka is worth the candle. Sadly, it is not always possible to solve psychological problems with a neat spout, smooth skin and large breasts. Thank you @soldier

I totally agree with you! I mean, it´s okay to do a plastic surgery when you feel very uncomfortable in your skin but cutting your body into a different person is definitely not the right way

Knechno look good every woman desires, but only everyone has their own threshold. Someone will go for any surgical intervention (to be on top), someone will put up with it. I for example against any interference. You can make so many health problems and you can not bring health back...

yeah true.

Sometimes it is necessary to cope up with the sitution where you are now and i am sure they are great in their own point of view ,I admire their choice and the way you think about all that .

Thanks, appreciate it !

Interesting..i just made a post about low self esteem.. I think it also play a role in this topic

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