China Giant Is Worth More Than Facebook

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Facebook is known for it´s incredible success. With over 1.71 billion monthly active users and 1.13 billion daily active users was it the most valuable platform in the internet. Facebook boasts 1.57 billion mobile monthly active users and 1.03 million mobile daily active users, on average. The stats were rising since 2004 and there wasn´t any sign to stop until a company came called Tencent

For the first time, an Asian company surpasses the stock market value of half a billion dollars. With that, the internet giant Tencent is bigger than Facebook and plans billions in investments. The rise in the share price drove market capitalization in Hong Kong to a new high of more than $ 522 billion this Tuesday. Tencent is therefore the first Asian company to break the $ half trillion mark. I was shocked when I read these news because I have never heard of Tencent before and it already surpassed a milestone. The world's largest Internet network from Silicon Valley came last to around $ 519 billion...


Tencent is mostly known in Asia and operates, among other things, a Facebook counterpart, various web portals and the messenger service WeChat. WeChat had nearly 900 million users in the fourth quarter of 2016. The mobile application app was a huge success in China and still is in whole Asia. 


But Tencent has not only rested on the messaging service. They invented their own online payment system as well. The group surprised in the last quarter with a jump in sales of 61 percent to the equivalent of 8.3 billion euros. Tencent is like the big competition Alibaba mainly present in Southeast Asia...

The company made successful headlines last year. They bought the Finnish game company Supercell for 8.6 billion dollars. Since then Tencent aims to publish popular novels through its e-book platform China Literature and then adapt it for video games. The Shenzhen-based company plans to spend 1.5 billion dollars on creative content over the next few years. At the same time, Tencent plans to offer its online payment system abroad for the first time in 2018. The first test market should become Malaysia. More markets will follow... 

Sure these social medias are rising but I am believing in blockchain and it´s technology. People are inventing and creating so many incredible projects in the crypto world that are way more than just a people connecting platform. 

But since we are talking about Tencent which is now worth more than facebook, I havent mentioned yet that BTC exploded and just surpassed Mcdonald´s market cap! What a time to be alive...



Thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 


Tencent is a force to be reckoned with.


TCEHY. I wonder how much more room it has to run? Any thoughts?

I had never heard of Tencent either! I'm such a web-illiterate .

I'm glad you're writing so regularly. Are you already back in Germany??


Yes, we are back since a week or so. Let me know if you are coming to Hamburg soon. I would love to visit you in London or New York but the warm weather is calling for me :P

this is really new to me thanks for sharing about this

I use WeChat a little bit. Has way more interconnectivity than other apps.
In China, Hangzhou in particular, if you don't have WeChat, it is hard to get a taxi.

We chat adds social, money transactions, bookings, reviews etc as a whole system.

There is an article I read a few years ago, that China's decision to block western companies, allowed small Chinese companies to grow in a small pond. Now, they threaten western businesses, with first copying and then enhancing the technologies.

That´s crazy. Didn´t know that WeChat is SUCH a huge success. But since blockchain is coming to the mainstream world, it´s going to be difficult for China to block any blockchain based sites ... I am so looking towards 2k18

Yes, when I was in China, it was hard to find an ATM. The guys at the hostel said that they only need cash to goto the market. Everything else was paid for via apps.

And WeChat has a mini sharing with posts to "Moments", where you can put posts for others to see. "People Nearby" where you can see which users are nearby. "Message In A Bottle" where you can pick a bottle from the ocean for a random chat. "WeRun" links to you steps taken to see how active you are compared with other

wow I had never heard of Tencent without a doubt is very large maybe the Asian block is the most numerous in terms of population is concerned, perhaps that's why its great success, a market as infinite as its population, I believe that big companies should put their eyes on this market and promot the adoption of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment and financing, certainly Tencent has everything to go even further and I think it could drive the market very well, as for our network Steemit I would love to see it enter more strongly in the Asian market, no doubt next year will be a great year to grow in all aspects, thank you very much for sharing this information dear @soldier greetings from Mexico

First, glad you enjoyed the post!
China has a huge population and a lot of money. It´s obvious that they bring out monster projects just like WeChat and Tencent. But since crypto and blockchain is bringing the whole world and all markets together, Steemit is going to have a bright future ahead.

Tencent's stock price has been skyrocketing in Hong Kong recently. They will continue to grow in the foreseeable future. This is just sign of the times.

I am just wondering if they will integrate crypto currency into their payment system.

A very interesting article and you, my friend, are absolutely right in the fact that China has recently become more and more active in computer technologies. On this they certainly have money and human resources. Let's see how much they will advance with the Tencent platform. Thank you @soldier

I am looking forward to 2k18. Time for a big change!

Totally agree with you!

China is taking over in the technology Business, because they have the money 💰

And they have the bigger population of course.

wow really nice & mind touch

Thanks! appreciate it

What's so surprising to me is how huge these asian companies can be while we in the west are oblivious to them completely at times. The world is still very segmented... one part hardly knows what the other part is up to.

It's one of the things that I really like about blockchain too: that it's a truly
global phenomenon. It's not just in one place, Silicon Valley or whatever, but it's people from all around the world working together. Especially the Chinese, for whom 'open source' is an entirely new concept altogether. I feel like blockchain is bringing the peoples from all across the globe together, even if their political leadership has different agenda's. We're seeing a lot of collaboration between the west and and asia in the blockchain space, and both seem highly excited to work with oneanother.

It also makes one wonder.. if we all ditched dollars, euros and yuan and used the same cryptocurrency... would we still be fighting wars or would we be on the same side, fighting to preserve the same economy that we all share?

Great comment! I have really the same thoughts thats why I wrote that many incredible blockchain projects are in the making. Asia has a huge community and it is still very separated from the west just like you said but the new technology is bringing us all together and this is going to be a big change in this world in my opinion. And your question is just on point, no we wouldn´t!!!

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