TRUE STORY. Your actions might come back to bite you.

in #life6 years ago

I knew someone that knew a woman. She lives in my home city, and this actually happened.

A couple of years back, the woman (whom we are going to call Jane), fell very ill, all of a sudden.

Jane had now been sick for a while, and it seemed her situation wasn't going to improve anytime soon.

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source: Vector Toons

Jane and her husband had been to many experts, and even tried alternative medicine, but her health continued to deteriorate.

She had about 4 kids at the time, of which the youngest was a teenager.

Tired of being used as a test subject, or running from one medical institution to the other, she told her husband to take her home that she had made peace with everything.

You know how it is said that people know when they are about to die, and they try to hold on, to maybe see that special someone one last time, before they crossover?

Well that day came.

She called on her husband and her kids.... They were all gathered around her.

source: Pinterest

Sensing the Grim Reaper was close by, she uttered her last words.

"My husband, I have a confession to make. You aren't the father of any of these kids.... Kids, he's not your biological father"

Boom!!! Everyone was stunned and couldn't stand anymore.

She said she was sorry, breathed her last, and her eyes closed forever. On her part, she hoped to make her life right, before meeting her creator, the universe or whatever she believed in. Thus, leaving her family to wonder what they will do with such a death bed confession.

She was gone.... Just like that.... Or so she thought.

She opened her eyes "Why am I still alive? I should be dead!!!!"


The Grim reaper had chewed her, but she was too bitter to swallow!

She cried and cried for death to take her, but death and eternity had moved on to the next one.

Her family just stood there, looking at her.

And you know what's funny? She started getting better, and got off her sick bed.

I guess it was the secrets within that were killing her.

Obviously, that was the end of her marriage, but I don't know how her relationship with her kids fared.

So be careful about your actions and the secrets you keep.... You might just go on to live forever!

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Seems to be a thing on this side of the universe. :)

If you also have anything you would like me to write about? Drop some lines in the comments section below.



Is this really a true story? :)

I actually saw your link on the @greetersguild contest! Good entry. Are you a member of @greeterguild?

Funny, but yeah it is. As told by my sister. Told when we saw the summer of that year :)

And no, I'm not. Just a little fish finding his fin(feet) . :)

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