Tonight's Steamy Steem Sex ArticlessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It must be Friday because there's an influx of sexy talk on Steemit compared to this time yesterday or all day for that matter.

From helping women achieve orgasms, oral sex and penis's. Written by both sexes so you know it must be true. After all it's on steemit so it must be legit.

Check them out here and.. ahem, get involved in the wonderful world of Steamy Steemit posts. In no particular order but please send them some love and comments.

Orgasm ......

Written by @olja
Olja has written many articles about sex. Such as, What's Taboo and Strip Teases are in the library. She is new to Steemit, I guess she's a she by the style of her writing and topics. Let me know if I'm off

Penis size is related to the length of the fingers. How do CALCULATION...

Written by @zunuxurek
zunuxurek is also new to steemit. Posting and re-steeming plenty of sexy articles to keep your curiosity peaked. Follow this author and you are sure have sexiness streamed to your feed regularly.

Hmm, Here's what happens if you swallow semen during oral sex

Written by @bithost99
bithost99 has been around for at least month. His posts are sporadic in nature but there are several that are quite sexy. No strangers to getting flags on a couple of his past posts but hey, those build character right?"

Eeew gross sex is dirty, they talked about sex.. Yuck!


Hmm what happened to nsfw tag? upvoted

oh yea. I should do that thanks for reminding me.

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