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5 Foods that help tame chronic heart burn...

Candice May, Health Bytes [email protected] Unsubscribe
9:12 AM (7 hours ago)

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5 Foods that help tame chronic heart burn...

In this issue:

It's time you knew... Your stomach could be behind your joint pain, allergies even heart disease!
These five foods can help you control chronic heart burn...
Imagine your body starts to sort out its health...

Tuesday, 12 December 2017
By Candice May,

Dear Health Bytes Friend,

Acid reflux occurs when your lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) is weakened or damaged and, as a result, there's acid backflow from your stomach into your oesophagus. Normally, your LES closes to prevent food in your stomach from moving up into your oesophagus.

The foods you eat have a direct effect on the amount of acid your stomach produces. While some foods aggravate acid reflux, others can help you tame heartburn.

Keep reading to find out which foods to add to your meals this festive season...

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These five foods can help you control chronic heart burn...

#1: Ginger
Ginger is one of the best foods to curb heartburn. People have been using this spice for many centuries as an anti-inflammatory and as a treatment for gastrointestinal problems. You can easily peel, slice, dice or shave ginger root using a grater, and add it to your meals.

#2: Oatmeal
According to The Reflux Diet, oatmeal is just about the best breakfast and anytime snack. Oatmeal is filling, provides an energy boost and prevents acid reflux.

#3: Bananas
At a pH 5.6, bananas make a fantastic snack and are usually great for most people with acid reflux. However, some people with acid reflux find that bananas worsen their condition – so keep in mind that what works for other people may not work for you.

Keep reading...

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Another two ingredients to soothe heartburn...

#4: Melon
Melon (pH 6.1) is good for acid reflux. Included in the good-for-reflux category are watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe. However, as with bananas, some people with acid reflux need to avoid it.

#5: Fennel
Fennel (pH 6.9) isn’t only great for acid reflux, but also seems to improve stomach function. Slice this crunchy, liquorice-tasting vegetable thinly and add it to a healthy salad with baby spinach and arugula. Also try it in chicken dishes or as a snack if you enjoy the taste.

To your good health,

Candice May,
Researcher for

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Important: is dedicated to bringing its readers the newest, most hopeful and most trustworthy information and advice about natural health research, findings and products.

All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. Fleet Street Publications is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that Fleet Street Publications is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, effectiveness, or correct use of information you receive through our product, or for any health problems that may result from training programs, products, or events you learn about through the site. Fleet Street Publications is not responsible for errors or omissions. None of the information or products discussed on this site are intended to diagnose.

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