Lies spread faster than the truth.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

A great read.

Scocca: Yeah. So, I read these articles that were coming out in the last week or two about how Google has this new feature that's supposed to give you the one true answer to a question you type in. Instead of just feeding you a list of things, it pops out in a big box and tells you what the one true answer is. And the problem is that people discovered that if you ask it if Barack Obama is planning a coup d'etat against the U.S. government, it says “Yes, he is.” If you ask it, “Is MSG poisonous,” it says, “It certainly is.” Because bad information that people passionately believe has a way of rising to the top. So, when I saw this, I thought about the onions again, and I thought about how this was a false thing that there was a lot of information about. So, I typed in “How long does it take to caramelize onions?” and I was shocked by what I got. Not only did it have the wrong information, but it had the wrong information because it was citing my piece.


The only true answer is 42 :D

I didnt need google to tell me that. Life experience with the sheep mentality of the human race is prove enough. It will get messier everywhere and soon we will not know anymore what is the truth.

Hehe, i didn't know about this. Will check it out for the wild exact answers!

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” -- Napoléon Bonaparte

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