How to motivate yourself at the working place

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Before we take a look at some strategies to keep yourself motivated at work, lets define self motivation first.

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What is motivation?

Simply said, motivation is the pursuit of goals. This could be your desire to work harder for more money at the end of the month or getting recognized by someone at your working place. To cut it down here, basically it is something that has to be achieved by yourself!

So what is self motivation?

For me it is the ability of a person to start an effort on his own initiative and without immediate encouragement or compulsion from other people. This does not mean that you cannot ask for help to reach your goal. It is more like the will to get what you want on your own, and you are willing to do anything you need to achieve it!
In the following, I will tell you about 3 technigues to keep yourself motivated that helped me out alot so far.

1st: Structure your task!

If I talk about structuring the task, you should first get an overview of what needs to be done and then reduce that one unsolvable looking problem in small "working packages". Looking at more tiny problems which can easily be solved is much less frustrating than looking at that one monster quest that seems unsolvable right now.

For me as a software developer, doing this is indispensable. It helped me alot so far and helps me solving my everyday tasks :)

2nd: Give yourself a boost

Gift yourself a personal reward if you successfully complete a task on time. Do not stop until you have created your very own masterpiece! Avoid the reward if you do not achieve your desired result. This is the only way the reward is sustainable in the future. If you fail once, try again until you get your desired result and keep in mind, there is something in reach.

Personally I forbid or allow myself to eat cookies based on what I have done. Sometimes I tend to cheat on myself but that doesnt bring any progress. (Yes I admit, I´m cookie addicted)

3rd: Get rid of your negative mindset

Dont ever say something like "I do not feel like it" or "I do not want to" or "I can not". Thinking this programms yourself a negative mindset and builds up an even greater wall, which you afterwards have to climb on your own. That is not useful at all, trust me! If you always doubt about yourself, you will never become self confident in what you are doing.

Anyway these are my 3 tipps that always let me stay focussed. Now Im going to enjoy my well deserved cookie for writing this blog article and wish anybody that read until down here a wonderful day / night.

Please let me know if you find this useful and also feel free to give me any kind of feedback, I really appreciate it.

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