World of Robots?

in #life7 years ago

New day, New job, Supposed to be a great day!

Woke up today, and started getting ready to head out the door. This was a change for me, being over the last two years I never had to leave the house. Today was the day I went down to officially start a new job, the only step needed to be completed today was to simply pick a shift.

Job Offer - New Job

Well, knowing I was looking for a specific shift, I arrived early, actually I was the 3rd person in line, being it was first come first serve. Knowing the hours my wife is working, and thinking I could aim to get a schedule that would be close to hers.

Waiting was over!

It was finally my turn to go in and pick a schedule. I was handed a sheet that listed all the available start times, and selected days off ...

Monthly Work Calander.gif
Image modified for post. IMAGE SOURCE

I looked at the options given me. I was startled by the lack of any real time off of work! I looked at the HR specialist, kind afraid to ask, but I did anyway, "Is this a joke?"

His brief answer was to the point, "The position you are being hired for is filled by robots mainly, so you must work better than them if you want to keep your job!"

I said, "guess that will work for me."

Pondering Life In Customer Service!

After returning home, I started looking at what it would be like to be working in customer service. There are many different people out there with extremely different views on what their personal experiences have been while working in customer service. I started reading both good and bad stories from different people. Then it hit me, I was going to be doing the job just like the lady in Office Space.

Started wondering how many jobs robots are doing

Seems as though I will really truly be doing work as a robot. Well, as it just goes to show robots are starting to replace humans even in the department stores. Seems as though being human is starting to be a bit of an antique. As we humans age and are replaced by robots... Will the build things similar to zoos to cage us in so they can observe us? What will we do with our time if we have been replaced by robots?

Feeling Scared

I decided I needed to look more into the training I would be receiving as a new robot trainee. Looks like this new job, working in a call center for warranties' is not going to be fun at all. I found a few different things training would be like, this one seems to have done the best job of showing how training would be.


Well, now that I have this job, I started to realize I am going to have to relearn how to do things. Training is going to be 3 weeks in the class room, I guess learning how life is going to be as a robot! Followed by 2 additional weeks where we are working as the robot in the customer service field. after those 5 brief weeks we will be completely on our own.

Guess we are not just making robots we are training people to become robots.


"The position you are being hired for is filled by robots mainly, so you must work better than them if you want to keep your job!"
They are union and get paid more than you too!


Guess they have to unionize for their own job security!

That's the excuse, but really it was for the health insurance.

Damn, they actually get health insurance, beats what I get!

Bet they even get to use those rooms with beds in the hospital not just the little chairs in the hallway. Lucky damn robots!

Yea they do. Ridiculous right?
They even get an hour break.
I only get 30 mins :-(

Wow, a whole hour, I miss those days of a real lunch time, back in the military. Now it seems jobs don't think you need an hour, nearest fast food joint, 15 minutes drive, not to mention the drive through line or the time it took you to walk out the door to your car. Seems like I never have enough time to get anywhere.

But those robots, never in a rush. No wonder they get the whole hour for lunch.

They don't even have to pay for it.
This is depressing.

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