The Myth Behind 'Experience Is The Best Teacher'

in #life7 years ago

Growing up, people always sing this song to my ears that experience is the best teacher. They tend to suggest that you need to gather as much experience as you can to be able to live life in the right senses of the word. 


They believe that, once you make a mistake, you learn from it and the mistake would never repeat itself. Some claim that the experience does not necessarily need to be personal. It could be something that happened to a friend or close relations and you learn from it. They see experience as a guideline on how life should be lived, how things should be done, what should be done and what should be avoided.

As an individual, i always have problem with such idea. I do not believe that there is a tailored way on how life should be lived. I also do not believe that if we do same thing same way, we will always get same result. No i don't. I am aware of this Yoruba (A tribe in Nigeria) adage that says: Ti a ba so ada soke ni ita gbangba lopo igba, ibi pelebe lo ma fi le le. Meaning no matter how you try differently with same methods, you will always get same result.

This view becomes a rigid way of thinking and comprehending reality for me and i choose to distance myself from such view.

Etymologically the word experience is from the Latin word experiri which means to try, or to test. The word is composed from ex (“out of”) + peritus (“tested/from trial/attempt”). In it early usage, the word means “knowledge gained by repeated trials”.  Source

Experience can be defined as an event or series of events participated in or lived through. They are things that happened or occurred in the past which the subject (individual or people) had himself/herself and then use as yardsticks or guidelines for future occurrences.

You might be wondering why i think experience is not anybody's teacher not talk of being the best teacher. Lets look as some scenarios.


When you are about to engage in something, for instance, and someone says: Do not do it because it wont come out good! And you ask: How did you know? You will be shocked by their answer: From experience! So people practically tell you the answer of something you are yet to try not because they know (in the right sense of the word) but because they have witnessed/tried/tested it/experienced the thing in question.

The simple fact that you tried something and it didn't work for you does not in any way suggest that it will be the same for everybody. 

Take note, experience is not close to certain, it is nothing but experience and it remains in that realm called experience.

Why does a lady who experienced breakup few months ago entered into another relationship and was left broken again? Do you think she didn't have the experience? Or perhaps she has different experiences? How many experiences do you think she needs to have to perfect her existence? 

If the first guy cheated on her, the second also cheated on her, what makes you think another guy wont cheat on her? This same lady would use her first experience with her first ex as yardstick to (mis) guide another lady whenever she sees the same 'symptoms' she saw then! How come she had four cases of similar scenarios? 

Experience are occurrences that are so confusing and hard to grasps because similar cases 'would not' always turn out to be the same. Since something happened to you and you got result A, nothing says if similar thing happen to me i will get result A.

We can learn from our previous experiences no doubt but they cannot teach us anything such that those things becomes guidelines on how to live our lives, how not to live, things to do, thing not to do, etc. We have different experiences and what works for A might not work for B.

Do not let anybody tell you to act based on the experiences they had. Every effect do not always come from same cause. People feel pains but there are different things that cause pains. You can say people drink water because they are thirsty, but the question is: Is every cases of drinking water a result of being thirsty? You wont get an affirmative yes for that because people drink water sometime because it was prescribed by doctor even when they are not thirsty.

So what works for you might not work for me. Your experience is yours, it is real to you and personal. Since it didn't work for you or it worked for you does not mean it wont or will work for me. I am the teacher of my experience!

Criticisms are welcomed as i intend to explore more on this topic.

 Thanks to @jodipamungkas and @gbenga for the badge. 

Thanks for reading.  Its your boy @smyle the philosopher

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A wise man once said "Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way" i learnt something today

Time is the best teacher and with time comes experience which gives you good sense how to move on in your life.. Great Post . upvoted .

Thanks! I appreciate your support!

Its simple fall inside a pit today and you wont tomorrow. Experience ni yen

It more complicated than that! Do we have one pit in the whole world? It is not that simple!

The pit does not necessarily have to be a pit. It is just a representation. It can be our mistakes.

I made a post about something and i was flagged. I wont do that again because i gained. I learnt from my mistake. The post is the pit i fell into

Now my point: You were flagged, does it mean you wont be flagged at another instance? Would you not use is as yardstick to warn others? When you said you learnt, what do you mean by learnt? Do you mean you would not express yourself again because there is a flag waiting for you? Or you learn to bury your thought because of other people's opinion? What did you learn that you 'logically' think you wont do again?

Ill try to look for my fault. If it was because of what i wrote. Prolly there is something bad in it.then ill stop it.

Mistakes are part of humanity and it is unavoidable. Sometimes when you experience mistakes, you come out better. Every negative experience is either to make or mar you. For some, it is an avenue for making amends and for some others, it is the same mistakes over and over again thereby making them fools. What I understand by experience being the best teacher is that you got it wrong the first time and you are taking steps to make sure it didn't repeat itself. A woman who divorces her husband on grounds of infidelity alone has made a mistake and if she is to get married the second time, she should learn how to see things in reality ,wiser knowing that most men will cheat and then concentrating on his strong points or make the same mistake of divorcing him and being called a fool. So experiences are meant to make us better persons , more perceptive and more open to constructive criticisms. My 2cents though.

In reality they don't. Most men cheat? Another fallacy i am reading online!!! I guess you gave me another topic to write on so i wont argue further.

Yes quote me any where. Most men cheat!

Nice write up smyle

Thanks boss!

The great philosopher. Life they say is very complicated. I accept the fact that what happens to A might be different from B, but there are some experience from people that are life threatening. I would have love to give examples but d argument will go a long way, but not to worry, we will discuss it in d oda room... I know mean Buhari room Oh!! 😀

lols! Thanks for your contribution. You can write a post out of it.

@smyle We need remain informed and concentrate on things that are hidden from the majority.
Thanks for the right publish! Followed.
Fantastic publish and very educational. Have learnt a great deal from it. Followed.

Thanks! Am glad you could take one or two things from it.

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To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.

- Mahatma Gandhi

experience is a great teacher but the price might be too is a name given to our mistakes.Meanwhile without experience, we lack wisdom. Sorry am so low on Vp, will get back sir. Nice work

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