Home is where you feel safe and secure ...

in #life6 years ago

Yesterday I said goodbye to the neighborhood watch,

quit my contract with the security company and
uninstalled and sold my whole security system,

Right after that I went upstairs, put a black
ISIS flag hanging out of my bedroom window
and painted some Arabic signs on the frontdoor.

Within the hour the Police, the Flying Squad and
the Secret Service arrived.
They are watching my house 24/7.

In short:
It saves me $100 a month and


I've never felt safer than ever before.

sources: imagenesmi.com & etsy.com



The end justifies the means man. I think they even take your dog for a walk if you ask them.

Better even; gave 'em a list with the groceries I need. 'We'll take care of that mr. Smassh, you can stay home'.

Hahahahaha!!! Good, I think I will try this system too, because I really need security in my area. 😄

Just for fun I lighted some firecrackers tonight. Never saw 20 men surrounding a house (mine) as fast as they did.
I garantee you; you'll feel safer by the minute.

Hahaha. Everything's allowed to keep 'em sharp.

Ha ha ha you are so funny @smasssh
Now you are also under a drone's target picks :D

Could be, but for now I'm as safe as can be.

Ahahaha. Why bother paying for contracts and stuff when you can enjoy maximum protection for free?
God bless Arabs!

Funny thing is though that I noticed a lot of 'For Sale' signs in the frontyards all around.
Hell, must be my imagination.

Better protection is no longer free!

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