
Just had to do it... 🌞👍

Have a great day!

Was already waiting for you.
A great day (without worries) to you too.

Just could not resist. 😁

Thanks man, looks like another beautifull bright and sunny day! 🌞🍻👍

This video is hilarious. The accent is hilarious.
By the way this guy looks like a pervert.

That's the same thought I had when I first saw the video.
Besides that; a lot of "simple" truth in that chart.

it's a little like, what goes around comes around

Sounds like a good conclusion! Worrying isn't the most productive use of your brain capacity :-)

Agree. Lots of people already get kinda "paralyzed" when worrying about even the smallest problems in life. It not only influences their own behaviour, but (can) also that of the people (family, friends etc) close around him/her.

Congratulations sir

Hi @smasssh life is to enjoy so reduces the volume of problems and increases the volume of life. Regards

You've got that right! Well said. Thanks for commenting.

dont worry behappy !
goed wekend

You too.

Mooie inkijk op iets waar ik met momenten niet voorbij kan. Als problemen zich opstapelen, en je kan ze niet ontwijken of negeren...then why worry? Ik zou het graag kunnen, maar dat is makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Toch ga ik dit fragement onthouden, want ik vind zulke inspirerende boodschappen best wel nuttig om op te slaan. Al ben ik totaal niet gelovig, toch hebben Boeddhisme en Hindoeïsme mij al meermaals wat wijsheid bijgebracht. Bedankt @smasssh!

Dont worry, be happy my man, hakuna matata

Been a while we saw you...

Yeah, a small dip and besides that I had a very busy week.

So, nothing to worry about actually? 😊

glad to have you back

The show must go on ...

Where did I hear that before? 😊

Why worry? That’s the solution. Don’t worry about problems in life!
He is completely right!

He sure is. Most people make life too complicated for themselves. They major (too much) in minor things.

Just let it go, you care a lot you die quick XD

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