in #life6 years ago

i am always thankful to God each year i get to celebrate my birthday intially !i use to think birthdays was all about eating,

drinking ,partying or celebrating with friends or love ones but on the contrary,my own opinion of birthdays is that

just like christmas,easter and thanksgiving that are time and season of appreciation the birthday is also a period of

thanking God for bringing you to the level you are.

there are so many people who where born the same day as me !but some never made it to the level i have, so seeing a

day like this all i need do is be thankful for what i have and ask God me with what i dont have but need.

so on this special day of mine ,am asking God for five special gift and the are

1 good health -when i am healthy and have a long life, it is a reminder that i couldnt have done it on my own.

2 happiness -when i am happy nothing else matters to me,being happy makes me show kindness to others

3 prosperity -when i am prosperousi will not only help those who are in need, but i can also care for my family

and love ones.

4 peace and zeal to know my maker - peace is one gift everybody prays for ,because when you have peace and rest

of mind you have all and also one person who can give you peace and everlasting life is christ !when have you have 

him then you be assured there is nothing you need in this life you wouldnt get.

if he is for you no one can be against you !we are nothing without him.

5 love - it is the greatest gift of all ,he who have is the richest and greatest!a person in love is a happy and faithful

person . cheers to me

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