For better or worse? Turning a lifetime bond into a timed contract, the 21st century marriage.

in #life7 years ago


Once upon a time, people married because they were in love and wanted to be together forever. They did not marry because they were considering half of their spouse's property.
During that time, divorce was just a word which simply existed in a dictionary somewhere, a word which was hardly contemplated unless in dire circumstances.
That was then, a marriage was not a word, it was a bond, welcome to the new world.
I was having a chat with a friend and he told me something that touched my heart. He said he was not going to get married, he was simply going to have an arrangement with a baby mama that will have his kids and I inquired, he said his friend abroad just went through a messy divorce and the wife collected everything he valued and the worse part was the wife is already planning to marry a rich dude.
Sounds fictional right? It isn't because I also happen to know this person. This is not to say some marriages today still don't last, but people are more focused on the wedding ceremony, having the event that will be the boast of the town, get everyone talking, riding the rainbow to your wedding that they forget that reality sets in once the fairy tail is over.


The concept of marriage

The idea behind marriage is total symbolism. From the ring placement to the vows to the commitment is all about symbolism.
The rings are placed on a finger which has a blood vessel leading to the heart, which symbolizes the bond of the heart tied together.
The vows makes us realize the importance of our words as an agreement to both our present and future commitment to our words, words which must not be taken lightly.
For better or worse means marrying not because of the potential of you to gain after a divorce, because considering a divorce even before marrying, is actually a cause for concern because when we think of the end at the very beginning of supposedly beautiful journey with someone we claim to love and want to spend the rest of our lives with, then we have to review our love for the individual.
Before we act, let us ask ourselves this beautiful question; if the case were reversed, would we like to be swindled? Technically when someone marries another person for financial gain, under false pretense, it is termed swindling the person of their finances.
The playboy and surrogacy franchise is becoming a hot commodity as many people now opt for it as an alternative to losing their hard earned money.
Imagine someone who has toiled all their life to make their millions, now commit a crime by falling in love, only to discover that after six months, the person they thought they loved,wants a divorce for a flimsy excuse, well they shift their domain from being a millionaire to a lower rep.
Sure, divorce becomes a necessary option in certain instances like domestic violence, threat to life and property, and certain other grave instances which I might overlook due to the fact that I cannot remember everything, however, it is also not excusable in some instances.
Marriage is not by force and I believe suing a person for his worth is just plain laziness on the part of the other person. Go out and earn.

Image from pixabay



Love and marriage does seem to have a hidden price tag these days. In some countries, divorce is no longer a taboo for women who feel suppressed in a bad marriage. Traditionally, divorce laws and cultural beliefs were not in favour of women. Women were seen as the one to blame for breaking the family structure. Now that laws and cultural norms appear to support women in some Asian countries, marriage is no longer considered tolerable at all costs.

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