in #life6 years ago

1 MEN LIKE WOMEN WHO SMELL NICE- it not a hidden thing that men are always actractted to women who are inviting ,

 men hate as a woman when you dont smell nice or have bad breath it scares them away.

2 MEN LIKE SEXUALLY ACTIVE WOMEN- as a woman to keep your man,you have to be very creative you dont just limit

 yourself to one partern of sexual form ,be active and let him think of you all the time and be willing to come home

 and ready to know his coming home to meet something new,facinating and different.

3 ACTRACTIVE WOMEN- men like women who look good all the time,women that are presentable ,women the can

   showoff to their friends or women that can hold a conversation.

4 CRYING BABY- men dont like women who cry too much or are very emotional they dont like women who take

  things personal.

5 NAGGING _ women should learn to control their emotion ,men dont like it when you are always yelling ,arguing or

 challenging their authority it mekes them loose respect  for you.

6 WOMEN WHO TALK TOO MUCH_ women even if we where put in the midst of men by God,to entertain them men

  still find it annoying and boring when you talk all the time ,and it makes them run away from you.

7 SPY _stop checking through his phone or things ,because it upset them when you do

8 TOO MUCH MAKEUP_in as much as we said a little makeup wont hurt,too much can men like to see a

 little bit of naturality atimes.

9 LATENESS_ couples always argue because women make them go late,or the lady come late to a date

 because she is trying to makeup etc;

10 CULTURELESS_ there are different dressing for different occassion know what wear at particular

   time men like women who knows what to wear at each occassion.![counselling.jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmUHT4E6WFVsmwDieD19e1352LcqpBKuCshGJN83J2vzpd/counselling.jpg)

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