Sorry, but it was fucking funny!!!!!!!

in #life6 years ago (edited)

nofx imo is the only punk band, i grew up on them and IDGAF what people say that was fucking funny. The only probblem i have with this whole situation is that 1 it was obviously a joke (even if dark an in bad taste) and people dont understand jokes anymore i guess. 2 the amount of outrage from the masses is insanity and 3 the one im the most upset about...............

After enough pressure from public crying and claims of abuse and violence from hearing such a horrible joke NOFX has come out and publicly given an apology.


All of a sudden NOFX cares? Im more burnt about them apologizing then anything else.

"OMG they crossed the line with that joke"

Really? That was the one that crossed the line? LMFAO!!!

They didnt apaogolize for anything bfore!

just wtf?!?!?!

Lost in a sea of combat boots,
flush the bouncers with wasted youth
When did punk rock become so safe?
When did the scene become a joke?
The kids who used to live for beer and speed
now want their fries and coke
Cursing and flipping birds are not allowed,
in fact let's keep noise levels down

Must separate the church and skate!

Why don't we put pads on the kids?
Helmets, head gear and mouth pieces!
Then we could pad the floor and walls,
put cameras inside bathroom stalls
We make sure only nice bands play,
make every show a matinee
Teach kids to be all they can be,
and we could sing my country tis of thee
sweet land of liberty


When did punk rock become so safe?
I know it wasn't Duane or Fletcher,
Who put up the barricades
Like a stake in the heart,
Somehow we got driven apart

I want conflict! I want dissent!
I want the scene to represent...
Our hatred of authority,
our fight against complacency
stop singing songs about girls and love!
You killed the owl! You freed the dove!
confrontation and politics...
Replaced with harmonies and shticks
When did punk rock become so tame?
These fucking bands all sound the same
We want our fights we want our thugs!
We want our burns we want our drugs!
where is the violent apathy?!
These fucking records are rated G!

When did punk rock become so safe?!

now that whole ablum was my life for a while just omg imo one of the top 10 ablums ever!!!!!

IDK anymore this world is doomned if punk is now saying sorry.

I mean just listen..........

i mean

and with all that said

When the left pushes this away people should not apologize, they should laugh flip the bird and walk off.

Cheers steemit.

I guess the right number of years hasent passed like the south park formula.

I also think its crazy a left siding punk band points out that the shooting only happens if they were country bands playing (maybe sugesting the right?) and everyone flips out. Should left siding punk bands have shootings in vegas too so we can have equality of outcome?


Let see if the cry and whine bunch can survive the coming economic winter. Natural selection hopefully will take care of this problem for humanity.

Oh man its gona get crazy, i keep wondering when we get to that chapter when the one leading realize they cant win, give up, then make everyone drink the koolaid.
Image result for drink the kool aid

La jarra de Kool-Aid (1988) - genial

Drinking the Kool-Aid
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is an expression commonly used in the United States that refers to a person or group who goes along with a doomed or dangerous idea because of peer pressure. The phrase often carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. It can also be used ironically or humorously to refer to accepting an idea or changing a preference due to popularity, peer pressure, or persuasion. In recent years it has evolved further to mean extreme dedication to a cause or purpose, so extreme that one would "Drink the Kool-Aid" and die for the cause.

you have no soul, your a bot!


ha ha ha you are a sweet bost ha ha that reminds one of the cool law

Resultados de búsqueda muy amable very friendly @skeptic

ja ja ja eres un dulce bost ja ja que le recuerda a uno el cool ley

you are awesome too!

I'm not even surprised TBQH. Shit happens when you get old.

Now, get off my damn lawn!


yeah, damn kids.....

Outrage culture has gotten strong the last 2 years. the new laws rolling out around the world and everything. its like idiocracy, brave new world, 1984, feringhight 451, harrison burrgeron, and a gulag arpelago all rolled into one.

The is the signs of the times, wow! The fucking political correctness police are growing stronger and stronger. Such a shame

very much so, give it 5 years and i don't think it will be any better either.

It’s weird cause we have a president who does the same thing and nothing can touch him! It’s like a alnternate reality

its like a twilight zone version of idiocracy.
Image result for the twilight zone gif

Surely comedy is supposed to be Irreverent. That's what makes it comic. Why don't people stick to their guns instead of this apology shit? It's not as if the apology gets them their job/sponsorship back, it just makes them look weak and makes it all the harder for the next person to say what they think.

Yeah and it only reinforces the idea that its ok to become outraged and offended the next time something comes up.
What i dont get is the people that are outraged know its a joke and yet still choose to act like they were publicly raping babies on stage.

Its like George Carlin Said : "When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat."

we are in the begining acts still too!

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