Behind the Username - Sjennon in Snow

in #life7 years ago

What do you actually know about me? About the actual @sjennon? Did you know I snowboard?

I didn't use #behindtheusername in a longlong time and as I was brainstorming about my next post, I thought, "Why not re-introduce this one?". And so I did. And here I am. Posting. About myself. About @sjennon.

Welcome to #behindtheusername. A tag where you can collect all your ego and talk about yourself.

Yes! I snowboard! And I love it! In my experience, it's not just about the snowboarding itself. It's the lifestyle, it's the people. And it's great. I've been going towards the mountains to ride white landscape ever since I was about four years old. I am serious. I have proof!

A family friend, considered by uncle, teaching me how to ride

Look at that smurf going on that smurf colored snowboard! According to the family I only wanted to go faster and faster and faster. Turns? What are turns? No need, we need to get down!

That mindset quickly faded away as I began to grow. In between the ages of 8 and 14, I didn't go as often as we'd like to, which caused me to miss a couple of winters. This also meant that whenever I stood on a snowboard again, I kind of had to learn again how to do it. At least, that is what happened to me. A snowboard felt familiar nontheless, but due to the increase in length and weight as I was growing up, I was also clumsy and didn't get that turn quite right as I did 10 cm ago.

Luckily, after I stopped growing, also the snowboarding frequency increased again. Which caused me to be where I am right now - still shit but hey!

One of the best things about going snowboarding is the people who coming along with. We have our four-person trips with mom, my two sisters and me, but more often we went with a snowboarding clan of six people or more! It's a lot of fun and we are all on different levels. Despite the difference in skill, we all have our own ways and get along. Everybody is having fun and every holiday we continue to learn from each other.

Fun fact: The uncle who was teaching me when I was four, is here too! Orange jacket!

Wait, did you say everybody? And wait, did you mention your mom too? Hell yes! My mom is a killer snowboarder!

My mom swagging on her snowboard

This big of a group is amazing. Like I mentioned before, we learn from each other. But that's not the only thing. Basically, all the guys are a number one handyman when it comes to snowboard maintenance! It's super convenient! Also, I will leave the details up to your imagination as to how many rotations we had of snowboard gear.

Speaking of snowboard gear - this is mine. It's a neat Rideboard :)

Generally, when you see a pink person floating about - that will be me. I have a pink helmet with a pirate flag (yarr!). Generally a brown jacket and underneath a hot pink or bright blue pants. We like the flashy colors! And we need them. On the slopes, with about a hundred people at a time, you kind of want to have an original, colored outfit to recognize eachother.

During the winter, Westendorf in Tirol, Austria is our hotspot. We have been going here for as long as I can remember. Which is about 20+ years now. Here's a panorama I took down near the gondola to go back up again for another ride!

Whew, let's round it up! Snowboarding is a big part of my life and I will also probably post about it more than once :D I hope you enjoyed this and hey, nice to meet you too!


Hi @sjennon... I would like to know more about that snowboarding... So whenever possible, please share more details about it., thank you...

It's great! With this in mind, I will post some more about it for sure!

Upvoted nice post! keep them comming.

Thanks! I really plan to do so :D

Love mountains and sea , I don't snowboarding but I skiing and windsurfing
Nice post , I can follow you ? I'm new an I always ask firs

I did windsurfing once but I totally sucked at it haha. Wish to learn it a bit better though :)

Ofcourse, you don't need to ask permission jaja

im a bit classic I think , ja j a just think for respect I need to ask , ok I follow you thanks

nice slops - ever tried snow-kiting? it's super awesome with a snowboard :)

I haven't! It sounds pretty cool - what is it?

Great to know this passion of yours my friend! Shame that we don't have snow here in Mauritius, i would love to try it! But we do have a great spot for kite-surfing, but again i've never tried it!

Ah at least you should try the kitesurfing! And yes - snowboarding <3 <3 <3

the game I like the most
I like your post...

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