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RE: Why is there no education class/school to be a millionaire?

in #life7 years ago

Thank you for your feedback my friend, i really appreciate that.
And yes iv spoken from my heart, from what i experience in my life.
I have seen many people who got to be a millionaire, without doing the work what they had learned on school.
There are many ways to earn legit money , but there are also many walls before that, and many of those walls have nothing to do with money.
And more with the knowledge to earn those dollars, or the master plan or personal issues stand in people way.
And the knowledge to overcome to walls, or the strategy could be useful for others.

And correct my friend, keeping people down in the working class is the real social injustice.
You should see how it goes in some countries in Asia, like Cambodia for example. Suddenly there are many organizations who give the youth or girls/woman who had problems, an education.
But that education is for being a bartender, or someone who must clean the rooms in a hotel, or someone who must work in clothing industry, or someone must be a farmer.
And some people said, yeah that's good and those companies also sell it like that. "We do good things for the people and give them work!"

To me that's nonsense, i mean why not give them a education in philosophy, economy, politics, history , mathematics and not a education to be someone in the lowest part of the pyramid.
And on the same time those companies ask for help in the Western world, because they do something good?

There for me and my woman, who is Cambodian, want to create an education foundation in Cambodia, to learn others how to fish, instead of giving them fish.

In the western world is also another problem, many kids get wrong judgment and must go to a school what they did not wanted in the first place.

""Aah the kid don't want to listen, he is not good in school, then we must send him to a school where he can learn the lowest job of society, because that kid is stupid!""
Figuring out why the kid don't listen, or why he is not good in school is something what many schools ignore, forget or don't use that information in there judgment.
They simply judge a fish, an elephant, a money and a horse by asking them, climb the tree, and who can't climb the tree is a moron.
That's our education system in a nutshell, its not for the people, its for the elite!

At the end of the day, when a kid come from a war zone, got problems at home, lived in poverty then he don't got a good foundation to start with school, there for its not correct to punish those kids to a work or education what they never wanted in the first place.But unfortunately that is the situation we are in on this moment, and i hope we change that.


I have recent example for "helping people in Africa" gone wrong. Our state TV station made a documentary on how companies who were given European funds to build more agriculture in Africa are actually ruining the country.

And at the same time Merkel was justifying the idea to continue to support private investors in Africa...

There also other examples where our donated clothing ruined Africa's local clothing industry, because they can't compete with that.

Even if this was not about education, I think charity and donations have a similar value in society: You can not criticise it. And you know what they say about stuff you are not allowed to criticise in a society...

They simply judge a fish, an elephant, a money and a horse by asking them, climb the tree, and who can't climb the tree is a moron.
That's our education system in a nutshell

Spot on!

Peter Tiehl said some interesting stuff about modern education: It seems people are using it as an insurance rather than an investment. You get caught with the promise "You will not fall through the cracks of society", while it should be the promise "We will help you to be successful in life"


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