Can the power of Love overcome the power of the influence of the community, family, culture and religion morals?

in #life7 years ago

Did you ever see an elder talking lovely, about one person in there past who they can't forget?
That person is, most of the time an individual, who they had meet, when they were teenagers or in there early 20s.
And that person is not the lover who they married with.

I think we all know these stories, and it could even be possible that our grandparents have a story like that.
And those stories are more in common, then those love stories what we love to see in movies.
In fact if we hear a story about a couple, with a happy end.
Then we see those stories as epic stories, one of a kind, they are the lucky ones.
That's how rare those stories are.

And unfortunately the stories of people, who get forced in to marriage, are more than other way around.
Only because for family benefits, titles, power, culture difference or religion differences, or many other reasons.
The way they are getting forced into a married, will be done by manipulation, or verbal violence or physical violence.
And in our modern time, many of the youth getting forced, to do what the parents say, or they will be removed from the family.
That alone forces many people, to do what the family wants them to do.
And then they must break up, with the love of there life.

And love is from my point of view, the greatest force we have in our body.
Soon the moment, someone rejects the lover and chose for someone else, then that feeling will never go away.
It will be hidden in your thoughts, and you can't control the thought, it can come up on any moment of the day.
For the rest of your life.

When the elder think back of that person, then you can almost see the light in there eyes, and a smile on there face.
That is because of the energy of love, but when that person talks about how it ended, then the face will change.
It will change into a bitter person, who lost something of a big value.

And that's what love is, the energy of love is underestimated.
The energy is stronger, then any other energy, your body create.
When you are connected to someone , then the energy is strong and positive.
But when you break down the connection, then the energy could be devastated.
It can latterly break down any person into pieces, even if he is strong as the Hulk.

And in the past, we had a different mentality.
The religion or social morals, had more power than what they have now.
On this moment, we can Google any questions to find answers, or people can run away from home and do what ever they want. But back in the days it was different, the social and culture and religion morals had great power over the masses.

What leaded to many couples, who where forced to married the person, who the family thought is correct.
This happened in almost every culture.

A Jewish boy/girl could not marry a Muslim, while the Jews and the Muslim lived side by side, in many countries.
There are many love stories between a Jew and a Muslim, but there religions forced them to stop.
Do you think they will forget that love? If you ask me, they will never forget.

And there are many love stories, what the outside world cannot accept.
A German soldier with a dutch woman, in WW2.
An American soldier with a Vietnamese woman, in the vietnam war.
A black man/woman with a white/Jew, in the 60s.
One nationality with another one...
Rich and poor.

And the list could go on and on and on, of situations where people got forced to stop there relationship.
Because it would be better to do what the community/family/friends/world situation wants them to do.

If you ask me, then that is a huge loss.
The pain of getting rejected of society or family, is only a phase and will not stay forever.
That is the illusion what many people create.
They think if they choose the love of there life, then they are in trouble or can't live no more.

And yes, some woman are in a difficult situation or country, where they don't have a choice at all.
I wound denied that, but this post is not about them.
Because those woman needs more support than, simply saying do it for your self.
They need the support from the west, to change there country, what then leads to better human rights.
If those woman stand up now, then they might get trouble, like these girls from Yemen.

But those woman who live free in the west?
They mostly have a choice, man as well.
And don't get me wrong please, i am not saying that it would be easy.
No it will be a hard battle, you will get pain, and you might get attacked.
But at the end of the day, everything you will go threw, will only make you harder, smarter and wiser.

I know this, because i lived threw a situation like that.
In fact, i might be one of the few people, who decided to say, NO i do what i want, and my woman thought the same thing.hqdefault.jpg

Me and my woman where in the same situation.
She is from Cambodia and i come from Suriname.
I was born here and she came here, when she was 6 year's old with her parents.
As refugee after the civil Khmer war.

The way we meet, will be explained in a other post, because that is a huge story.
But basically on the moment we sit down and talked with each other, was the day we never when apart.
She was a beauty queen, who got adored by many Cambodian man, and many guys when to her parents to ask for her hand.
Even when she was 14 and 15, but her father who is a true Buddhist dismissed all man.
And i was the bad guy, plain and simple.
The parents gave her daughter the freedom, she has in the Netherlands.

Until she met me, then everything changed.
Her mother was a true Cambodian mother, who wanted to see, her daughter doing the traditional Cambodian ways.
But my woman did what she wanted to do, and followed the love she felt from me.
Almost everyone told her, not to go with me, even my own family.
Because to them , i was a Casanova who would only hurt her feelings, and will go after other woman.

And her mother cursed her from the start, and told many others in the community, that she was doing bad things.
What was not true.
And that leaded to that the family rejected her and the community thought bad over her.
Because she when with a color guy.
That was different then a Cambodian woman go with a white dutch guy.

Because the color of your skin, say something about your status in Cambodia.
The whiter the skin, the more elite someone is.
And the darker skin, are the poor people, who got a darker skin from working on the field.
There for its good to married a white dutch guy, and not good to be a with a colored guy.
This was the mentality what the Cambodians brought back, after the civil war.
The old ways, was rooted deep in the community, and what my woman did was the ultimate sin.
But i stood next to her, and protected her against anything.
Nobody could touch her, or attack her.
And in the beginning, it took maybe two years before she came back home again, for a visit.

But every time she when home, she got back irritated, because she was attacked in a verbal way.
This happened all the time.
So when a woman got rejected from there family, and invited to come back for a visit, they should not aspect a warm welcome.
Because most of the time, the family will talk into the woman, that they must make the right choice.
And then return home, to argue about what she just heard.
This also count for men BTW.

But what the partner needs to do, is trying to rationalize the situation, to talk about the arguments she/he just heard.
That will change the vibe of the person, and most of the time, they will realize that they almost got manipulated.
And of course, this doesn't count for every family, but those families who don't support a marriage for their own reasons.

It happened a lot with us, she was happy at home, and when she when to the family, she came back not happy.
This when on and on and on, until she realized that it will never change.
The culture and traditions and morals are so deep rooted, that it would be impossible to change that.
It needs time and actions to change the mentality.

What any person needs to realize on that moment, is that you need to make a choice in your life.
That can be do, what the environment wants you to do, or do what your heart tells you to do, even if all odds are against you.
This can be a very difficult and hard decision, and might also be mission impossible from the start.

But if you keep going for the life of your life, then you will never say on one day, i wish i did that back then, or think about that person you had left because of the situation.

Nope you will be that person who sit on a bench with someone, who you know for 60 years.
Because true love, never breaks and will only get stronger and stronger, and might also create children and a complete family for your own.
This was us when we started.

That's what we did in our life, and we are now for almost 19 years together.
And look us now.12651231_1143404075691979_7563551396740575417_n.jpg

All adds was against us, in fact it looked like the world was against us being together.
Mostly because of me really, i was the bad guy and she was the beauty queen.
That could never ever get a happy end was on many people minds.
But they were wrong :)

We grow within each other, by learning from the situations we met, and tried to rationalize every situation we encounter.
And that was the key to our success, to rationalize every situation and learn from the mistakes and try to do it better next time.
It leaded to a bound what can only be apart when our time comes, and until that time, me and @rouer66 enjoy every moment of it.

So to answer the question of the post title.
Yes love can overcome everything, but you need to use your brains to rationalize situations, and you must overcome your fear what will try to manipulate you, and the most important part is, you need to find yourself first, before you can make two souls bound in one.
I hope this story motivate others that when the time comes and you find the love of your life, that it might not be better by letting him/her go. My advice would be go for it and enjoy every aspect of it.
That's what we do and are still a happy couple for almost 19 years.
And yes, people are still doing things to us.
But hey, we are used of that and we already accepted that we can't change them.
We can only change yourself, and by doing that, we are changing the world!

Thanks for reading this post, what i had written with double feelings.
One feeling was the old pain came back, and the other feelings were the positive ones, when i thought about what i have.
Guess which feeling overruled the other?
Because i thought right away to our two kids, what create a energy what overcame every negative feeling.
At the end, we where happy that we kept going.
That would be our advice, never give up if you love someone, it will paid of sooner or later!



What a wonderful love story and I am deeply touched by your thoughts, words and soul.
I wish you so many more happy years 🌺

Thank you @mammasitta!!
We are going to the top!!

Thank you so much 🌹

Hello beautiful and lucky lady 💗

Hello beautiful @mammasitta and ty, i realy like your blog and follow :)

So happy you found me and I found you both 🌺

Good post brother and sister! To read the story, emotions for you good folks running high. Keep strong and affectionate towards eachother, much love ;)

Thank you m8.
I thought it might be good to explain something more about ourselves, before we start spamming posts.
This part is as you know, because your a real life friend, is very personal to us and we are living in it on ths moment.

Ty @rasowi3113 as you know, we had been through a lot and thanks for your support :)

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