He who controls light, controls life.

in #life6 years ago

Ra in Raindrops. A million times have I stood shading my eye to that brilliant light that skews its defiant story. That light that gives life to what was once a cold dark void. At the center of every sun you will find a small black spot, a void. The only way to bring life into that void:
1.) Separate the waters from the waters.
2.) Reflect the light going out, (like a sun does) in.

I'll elaborate.
Scripture tho non useful to humanity via religion, tells a story. Accounts. And Things to come. Being extremely accurate so far as to testimonies and chronological information.
Stating unquote that he divided the waters from the waters. Mind you even king Neptune could do this. They were genius to water, it is a water world. And, in days of Atlantis all water. Firmaments would later form of the Titans and leviathan dragons stated in Scripture as well. Petrified to stone with the same technological knowledge used to control water. With crystals. Didn't you know all your modern fancy technology consists of crystals of some form. Air is but a form of water. Just extremely thin water. Moisture content in everything. You have but a different degree of gills. Too much moisture is pneumonia to humans. Thus, drowning from air/water too condensed. Also: to further prove they could all do it, Scripture states that another parted the waters to the red sea. Same technique used to separate the waters in this void. Neptune is half fish, wielding a 3 prong triton conduit. Energy and water. An electric universe.
Elaboration on reflecting in the light:
Space is a sub zero ocean. Not a vacuum or void. Like all bubbles in water, "Earth" is perfectly round. And it's outer layer is made of ice that lays up against the sub zero temperatures of our atmosphere. Space. Using Gold, and Black Glass to reflect the light in, causes a warming in the void that results in its outer layer to freeze. Everything moves, nothing rests. Therein forming a perfect spherical bubble. Gold is key to anti-gravity. So it's used often to repair atmosphere holes. The day, the "Sun" shines bright off gold to warm the void. The night, the "Sun" shines through the black glass. Condensing the sun and cooling the void. Constant sunlight would fry all things on earth. So in balance it must be cooled for the life process to be possible. You'll find the tri pairing in Scripture to partially be:
Gia (mother earth) stood on the moon, and had a Sun. (Son) Paradox of the creators of this earth place. And, it's not really even paradox or parable. It's just the way they put and explained things. The endocrination of humanity by others will teach you everything but the truth. Dumbing you down to where you can't even comprehend such things, and having you believe you're too stupid to understand. Like its some rocket science or genius status riddle. It's merely common sense on a small scale. Complexity can be very blinding to the right eye.

With that said, do some research and you'll quickly see the truth spoken. I will give you a starting point. Google Earth. View from a small distance the northern part of Africa. From satellite you can see a large fish, and a dragon that attacked it. Killing all in Atlantis. Which sits just below the fish. Yes. You will see the real Atlantis. Northern Africa used to be an ocean. You can even see to the northwestern coast, where all the water rushed out. Atlantis was in fact, underwater. The dragon stretches the entire northern coastline of Africa. From the Saharan desert all the way into Morocco. Roughly 900 miles long. Can only be seen via satellite due to her megalithic size. Leviathans were huge, and real. Making the dinosaurs that roamed look like ants. Smaller even. Yet one can fathom a dinosaur. So, between the Dragons and the Titans firmaments were born. An earth made of fallen ancestors. Parted by the waters of those with knowledge of the watered universe. 70% water. 30% land. Remind you of anything? Your body. You got it.

With that said, learn about water. And learn about not only your earth, but the entire universe they hide from you. Space suits sure do look like nautical suits.
Additionally, you'll find naudical/nautics in NASA. Remember, air is thin water. Thus: aeronautical.

Still here? Go find the truth!
Sincerely, Sinners Theory ~


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