¤::::::¤ Titans & Dragons ¤::::::¤

in #life6 years ago (edited)

That colossal Titan. Petrified He stood. Clinging to his mother from whence He came. Skin of leather from a thousand seasons endured. To meet such an abrupt end. To become the very mountains we gaze upon. Chaotic were you in your ways? And to wait for that day. When the mountains will rise once again to their rested feet. With your release the waters will flow again over that dry ocean that once was, again to be for pregnant is she. Across the land so megalithic. Yet, unseen in your deserted journey. Leviathan. What came over thee? Why did thou cost Atlantis? The waters of the pendulum will swish and sway. The dragon grows. Across the sky a thunderbird screams out to its prehistoric, distant relative. 200 eyes clocking the stars. Pacing the floors are they in uncertainty?... Thy D-wave can surely answer your every desire can it not? Have you foreseen the future? A movie played to your unsuspecting eyes? However, will it so be in that time. The Titans will await their Moroccan Saharan brother. Upon the waves of these mighty creatures will you find insignificance, that of a mite. 900 miles long she lays. Conceived of days of old. You will search for guidance. You will seek a savior. To the Lion and the lamb does war even exist to require such a savior? Men of renoun can't even ponder a thought at that unseen of the wind. Understand a clock to its core. Therein you will understand a bit better how the universe works. Oh, but to that Titan he is impatient as his blood still decays the walls of his prison. Where the waters displace will that leviathan rise. Titan against Titan. Man against man. You would be wise to not unsettle the Heavenly Body. For, it may reflect and reject such an irritation thus rinsing out its eye. Make haste would you not to cleanse if thou log was in thine own eye? But an itch, can cause the need for change. Your world is but the eye of the Titan. A vast waterworld unknown. If they reverse the light reflection all will flash freeze. Same as to puncture the icy dome of your world that separates the waters from the WATERS with nuclear destruction. Every conscious, living thing knows well what it does. Those celestial signs tell an aligned story of power and control. Soon the dragons heartbeat will be upon you. That sea serpent leviathan. Punished was she by that continent sized blade. Worthy not was even she against such a renoun being. And, to what does a man dub a God other than another capable of doing something they cannot? In a world that divides all things before it, might you decifer the Titans from the Dragons? Or would thine eyes see but an unfathomable blotting of the sun in their gigantic stature? Might your heart give out to see such a sight before you? The great of the unknown. Away from what is comfortable and safe, the subconscious knows all things are possible. Weary it remains in its unknown insignificance. Take heed to but thy battery that powers the computer. Worry not of the robot that projects. With metals will it rust and weaken. Thine own spirit drives the frail avatar before you and your divisional senses. To a home in eternal creation do you belong. Know you not humanity has 2 stories of creation!? A Titans prison to ponder the thought. Into the darkness were they cast. Into the deceived darkness you walk about with them daily. A contract were you given. Every native contract broken shows the shape of your hiding faces. Cunning were you, and ambitious to make this your home. Gold running through your eyes 200 fold. Stories of Titans and Dragons of old. Heed thy words, don't let it pass. Black raindrops may remind you. In displaced waters will new life swim. Ye hath made towns upon her belly, so into thine ocean that once was does your home submerge now. That mighty dragon will roar an anomaly across the sky. A sound to shake even the Titans from their aged chains of rest. Might thou fables and storybooks in that very moment come alive before thine very eyes?! Whoa to the west. Whoa to the east. White walls are upon you. The North and South, come alive. Reflective thinking shines as a golden skeleton key. Have you not seen its luster? Most distant to a simpletons eyes. You can see your future. It cannot see you. Do you remember who you are? Yet by perception alone, you know you're not seen by the stars. I'll end this passage with a second coming. Dragons conscious, Titans cunning.

Sinners Theory ~

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