Baron Trump-Book 1-Review.BTMUJ

in #life6 years ago

After carefully reviewing the book written 123 years ago by Ingersoll Lockwood about Baron Trump I've come to some interesting theorys. Baron Trumps Marvellous Underground Journey References to modern day material include:
References to:
1.) Frozen
2.) Wizard Of Oz
3.) The Never-ending Story
As well as more I'm sure. In our everyday society.

Also: The 3 Monkeys. Hear No, Speak No, See No Evil.
Intelligent crabs that work as a unit in harmony moving large scale objects. Such as ships across dry land-Reference to: Pirates Of The Caribbean.

The path through Russia-The Motherland:
The path Barron Trump took to get to the "World within a world" or "Underworld" led him to a path that was wide with a narrow passage.
This is in reference to: The Holy Bible-"For I say it is harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the gates of "Heaven".

Many passages of this book are written in King James fashion. Example: thee's- thou's, etc.

Knowledge of the Ice Age on the earth's surface by all living species and cultures in the underworld. All faced the same fate at some point in history. Proving this is a natural, repeated cycle of natural catastrophe on earth. Keep in mind, earth is referred to as a Her (Mother Nature) aka (Gaia) unknown by many in humanity. Meaning she being a living earth that births life to all, will have a natural cleansing cycle, too. That is inevitable and unstoppable by humankind and such life creations likewise. In order for the story to be "Never-ending", she must cleanse of the generations here and their viral, corrosive tendencies that may kill her and thousands of years of unknown cultures hidden from humanity right here on earth.

Careful to not taint the purest of souls among the living, i believe these places are heavily gaurded and hidden from Civilization over time. After all, what would become of them if surface walkers came with their heavy hearted, power hungry ways.

Only the purest of heart, and the wiser to the spirit will be allowed near such places. Providing Man did not already infiltrate these sacred, charted lands. Or maybe, only those pure of heart and mind will see the parables and find their way to evolution.

One may think that awakening is to be enlightened with knowledge. My dear humanity, it is but the innocence of a child that brings one closer to brotherhood with Devine beings. In lust and entertainment WE have lost our way and true meaning. Perpetual balance, and Harmony.
This is in reference to: The Georgia Guidestones
Which states: Humanity is to be maintained at a manageable population of 500 million humans in perpetual balance with nature.

Theory about Baron Trump & today's Donald Trump:
Baron Trump would have had to "Dub" Don, Donald Trump. Donald Trump was Baron Trumps Guide. He wrote the manuscript that Baron Trump used to find the World within a world. Both men of great philosophy who had part in writing stories in humanity's bible. Who also collect artifacts. Who also are...time travelers. I said it. I mean it, too. They have both played a very significant part in Humanity and today's society. Question is...why has the path been layered so..Rocky and misguided for us?...

To those who read these stories, please take note that these books were genuinely written approximately 123 years ago and makes perfect references to much of our modern world today which 123 years ago...was unheard of by most of humanity. Telephones, photographs, etc. Including the above listed T.V. shows, books and programs.

Additional references:
Mans best friend, his dog. Reincarnated dog guide.
Monkey frozen in ice, preserved in ice like a goldfish and comes back alive.

Hold on to your seats for this one:
Every reference you've ever seen or known about VAMPIRES and beings that BURN in the sun. Pale white, wise to the ages, lives much longer than mankind does on the surface.

Underworld movies: now you know where the idea came from. 123 year ago experience Baron Trump had.

This man that serves another, and serves also as the United States president at the time is of far more significance to everything going on worldwide today. He is not just a new world order puppet. I believe in fact he is the last president before humanity makes a drastic, controlled change. Unwillingly.

If these are the same people that once took a historic journey to a place of pureness and peace, then why are they intentionally misleading humanity?... Maybe Baron Trump wasn't the moral outstanding discoverer and philosopher every entity on, and in earth thought. And if that's the case...i fear to think of what brutal demise eventually came to all those pure, advanced cultures that had been safely hidden from mankind and the earth's tampering destruction for thousands of years.

Humanity is already at the hands of cruel, misleading men. I hope that is not all that is left of this unfathomable, endlessly beautiful creation we call home. My hopes are that in mans wickedness he is counted. And the pure of spirit...still have a place to rest our weary souls when the time comes.

Goal 1: To Shine With Silence For All The Rest Of The Days Of My Life. To see past these 2 eyes that divide and cause so much complication and diversity. To feel the LOVE, instead of simply hear it. To Laugh many minutes of my life away, in attempts to lift up my misled brothers and sisters. I've come to learn time does not exist. However, I will spend every season hand in hand with this venture.

Have something inspirational or informational pertaining to this book or subject? Leave a comment. :)

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