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RE: Why Don't We Follow The Advice We Give To Others?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi Saurav!

You have made a perfect point to look into. We tend to solve the problems of others as soon as we get to know them and start giving our expert advices. We rarely follow any of those ourselves. And yes! It does take a lot of effort to get out of the comfort zone and start doing things for ourselves. But as far as I have seen in my entrepreneurship journey, it is that easy to do as well. Discipline will come when we will start doing it. But at the first place, that first step, that first effort is utmost required and that can only be done if we are self-motivated. That motivation within to take that first step is very much required. Nothing can push us if we don't start pushing ourselves. I had been doing some research on the same and I found this little trick which works for me though (it requires a bit of courage though).

The 5-Second Rule.
Whenever we wanna do something and we don't have enough motivation to get up and do it, count backwards in the head 5-4-3-2-1 and do it. Do it before your brain starts thinking and giving reasons of not doing it.

I hope this works for all. It did work for me whenever I was stuck.

By the way, I must say it's a great post and of course a good observation.
Looking forward to further great posts.


You bring up an excellent point. It's about that first step and that's what I meant when I said we lack discipline. I guess, you are right and that comes with time as we learn to keep taking those first steps without hesitation.

Thanks for the 5 second rule. I will be sure to apply this the next time I feel like I am stuck. Thanks for reading and welcome to steemit :)

I'm glad it was aligned to your thoughts and hope that the 5-Second Rule will work perfectly for you.


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