My Token Of Appreciation...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

A token of appreciation towards all of you, while you are still here. I don't want to regret not having said this once you disappear too.

I am grateful.jpg


Every day I browse my SteemIt feed, and come across posts that truly amaze me.
This placed is full of talented people: writers, (digital) designers, vloggers, photographers, programmers, singers,... the list is endless.

They are contributing masterpieces to the Blockchain every day again.


Talented People Everywhere

Ever since I was a kid, I have been trying to figure out what my own talent was.

I always felt I was surrounded by people who all had their own talent. I still do.

I have friends who design the most incredible clothes, or travel the world with the music they make themselves. Most of my friends are very talented people: DJ's, painters, decoration artists, jewelry makers, and anything you can imagine.

And me? Well, I'm still looking for my own creative talent. And to be honest, it frustrates me that I have none.



Don't get me wrong, I do have my talents, but they can't really be categorized under the term 'creative'.

It took me 30 years of my life to realize that I actually had talents: I'm a good listener, and extremely empathic.

But let's be honest here: that might be awesome for others, but except for a creepy insight into my own personality, there's little in it for me.


Part Of Me

Often I wonder if what I post here on SteemIt has any value at all. I can't tell you how many times a month I decide to quit, only to find out a few days later that SteemIt and everybody who I meet here have become a very important part of my life. Have become a part of me.

So I keep coming back. Because of the awesome people I've met here, and I'm still meeting here every day again.

I don't care whether Steem is worth 10 cents or 10 dollars. I'm sticking around because of you, because of the community, because of the endless stream of learning opportunities...


This last year, I've learned so much about myself, about other people and about a million other things.

One year on SteemIt has had such a positive impact on my life that it is definitely worth it to keep going in 2019.

And I can only hope you'll still be here too.

Who knows...? I might even discover a new talent I didn't know I had.


Token Of Appreciation

I just wanted to take the time to show you how grateful I am.

My token of gratitude might not have any monetary value, but it is real!

Feel free to pass it on - before you know it, the people you want to thank might be gone, like so many other people who have already left, and who I still miss every day. Don't miss out on the chance to show the people that mean something to you your gratitude...

token of appreciation.png


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I have similar thoughts about my 'talents' and whether or not I should stay. I, too, keep coming back, and one month I write a lot of 'meta Steem' and another month I just share photography. I decided I just have to be me and as long as I like sharing that part I should, could, want to stay.

A friend of mine once send me a little card just with this text, and since you send me a lovely token, I send this simple line of text back to you:

This reminds me of one of my favorite songs...(sometimes I play it on repeat when a little affirmation)

Thanks @soyrosa. That is so true. I tend to forget that every once in a while.
That reminds me of a card I once got from a friend. If I remember correctly, you're Dutch, so I won't need to translate :0)


I often have the feeling I have to live up to expectations, but the only one that has those expectations, is me, lol. Maybe I'll learn some day :0)

:D Indeed, you didn't need to translate that one! :D

And indeed, we often have expectations of the expectations of others as well... Think about that :P

I always do, lol. That's another thing I have to learn: to not do things because I think people expect me to, lol... because most of the time, they don't.
The funny thing is that I don't have any expectations towards others. I made this a rule in my life years ago, because having expectations only leads to disappointments.

I am glad you are staying around you a good part of steem. I came here hoping to make money. Instead i am making friends. Sure I am making a few dollars but it is for keeping up with my friends and playing games you can't beat that imo.

I think that goes for everyone here. We come for the money, we stay for the community. And of course it's nice to earn a couple of cents for having fun with your friends, but to me, it's not a necessity anymore.
I used to spend a lot of time on FB, interacting with my real life-friends. But it has been such an enrichment coming here: meeting people from all around the world and even consider them as friends, even if I have never met them in real life. If you would have told me a little over a year ago that would be possible, I wouldn't have believed you :0)

I don't know about your creativity, but I can attest to your huge heart @simplymike! What a beautiful post!! Thank you for writing it😊❤️

Thanks for the kind words, @lynncoyle1. It was (again) something I wrote in the spur of the moment :0)
This last week, I've been thinking quite a lot about @pretty.dorkey, @smulie2005 and some others who have disappeared, each for their own reasons... I miss them, you know..

@simplymike, you are talent in many ways. It was your gardening post that attracted me to you and I have been following you since. You are never short in giving love and compassions to others who needed, so stay being you, you are doing great!

Thanks for the kind words, @joelai.

It's all from the heart, although I think my expressions in English doesn't really express it right @simplymike.

I'm always afraid of the same thing - I think all non-native speakers are. But let me assure you, your message was more than clear enough for me, and I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to still see you around SM (not Steem Monsters 😛), it’s akways nice to say thank you and show appreciation I do it a lot myself. I’m not going anywhere.

Glad to hear that :0)
These last couple of weeks, I've spent a whole lot of time playing SM (Steemmonsters), and neglected SteemIt a bit. Last week I realized how much I missed the interaction with others. Meanwhile, some people left, so I didn't have a chance to tell them how much I appreciated them. That won't happen again :0)

I am so glad you will stay
In a tiny way you have been a big part of my journey here
And for that I say thank you
Not everyone has the talent to reach out and without expectations

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks, @kaerpediem. That's nice to hear.
Expectations... I don't do expectations, not even in real life. They only lead to disappointment.
Without expectations, everything that comes your way is a bonus :0)

I agree (from experience hahaha)

Wishing you an amazing 2019 ❤️

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks. Right back at ya :0)

I always thought that there was hardly anything more valuable than being a good listener and being very empathetic.
All these talents you enumerate produce something written, sound, pictures, etc.
These things can be judged by many people without much effort and if these things are perhaps above average they will get a lot of praise and you admit someone a talent.
What about the Inner Values?
After all, you also produce something, namely feelings. They are not tangible but noticeable and those who can handle them well will also reap positive feelings.
People who recognize your talent may be few, but you can be sure that these people do not only appreciate what you produce.

Well said, @siphon. You are right.
But the tangible ones are so much more obvious, and would make it easier to keep creating posts here.
(The original intro of the post was something like: 'How much easier it would be to create valuable content to share if I had any talents')

I can very much relate to your sentiments! I often thought I just wasn't a creative person at all because I can't sing, dance, write, draw or paint. Then I started cooking. And cooking more. And then starting to create some of my own recipes. And then sharing some of those recipes. And one day I woke up and realized I am an artist, my canvas is just vegetables. 😜 I am still nowhere near the level some of the amazing food photographers and stylists, but we simple folk have a lot of value, too. If nothing else we remind people that it is ok to just be us. I hope you find that "talent" that may be right in view that you never realized you had!

@plantstopplanks, I can really relate to that. We are brought up with a limited definition of the words 'talent' and 'artist'. It can indeed be anything. I'm glad to hear you found yours.

And if I look at it that way, I've already found my talent. In y life, I overthink everything. I weigh off all possible outcomes again and again... until all the fun is gone.
When I'm in my garden, growing fruits and veggies, I don't think. I may look up some basics, but most of the time I act intuitively. I'm always surprised to see how good things are growing, lol.
People praise me for my knowledge when it comes to gardening, but the truth is I don't have a lot of knowledge. I just do what feels right. And yes, sometimes things go wrong.
In every other circumstance, I would make a big deal out of it, or blame myself and think I'm not good enough. In my garden, I just take a mental note to try something in a different way the next time.

I was raised by parents who had pretty high expectations, of themselves and of me. This means I've learned to have high expectations of myself. Too high, so I rarely meet them, which causes disappointment and a feeling of not being good enough every time again.

A sentence that has been mentioned in this comments thread quite a couple of times is that's it's ok to just be yourself. That's absolutely true. Maybe one day,I can put that knowledge into practice :0)

Gardening is probably one of the talents I highly revere! To be able to produce wonderful food from your own garden is such a needed skill. It doesn't get much better than bringing life forth from seeds and dirt. I think you are quite gifted in that respect.

It can definitely be hard to find that balance between wanting to set expectations high enough that you have something to grow towards and to continue to better yourself, but then not so high that you can never sit back and enjoy what you have accomplished so far. I hope you can find that balance soon. Looks like you've got plenty of people to cheer you on along the way! :)

You're a great steemian, Charlie Brown. You have been an inspiration to many and many people look up to you. Never doubt your value or your talents. You just being you may be your greatest contribution. I am glad to have met you and am thankful you havent went anywhere.

Well said @johndoer123!! I completely agree 😊

You just made me cry, @johndoer123, lol.
Thanks for the kind words. Very much appreciated

Thats so sweet, I live real tokens , so Thank you very much oh and right back at ya 😉💪

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