What are the countries where 1 US Dollar is enough for one times food?

in #life6 years ago

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There are many types of food available for 1 USD however many of it is unaccessible in the United States however just are just few of my top picks for just 1 USD worth .. well .. maybe plus minus 20 cents. 

1.  Roti Telur - a choice of indian flavour , indian bread mixed with egg. A very popular dish in Malaysia which all Malaysians love. The average cost for a meal like this is about $0.80 or less. 

2. Noodle Soup - some uses rice , some noodles or the thiner version mee hoon.  Available almost everywhere, and is considered the fast food of Malaysia commonly eaten for breakfast. 

3.  Mee Economy -  lol ... its a nickname we give it. stands for "budget noodles" normally comes very plain with just an egg and almost nothing else besides chilli and perhaps some vegetables.  Normally cost not more then $0.50

4. Char Siew Pao - soft buns wrapped around a variety of available flavours such as pork or chicken or even tausa ( red bean paste ) .  This is commonly eaten at Chinese food stalls / restaurants and is normally priced below $0.80 each. An extremely lovely meal to fill up the hungry tummy

5.  Nescafe Tarik - I had to put this in as no meal is complete without a nice warm cup of local coffee !  Nescafe is my top choice of drink to go along with all the food spoken off in this post however everyone has their own preferences. 

I really liked this question as it gives so many perspective of various type of food around the world with only $1 

Cheers and have a great weekend ahead. 


First of all thanks for the appreciation.

Not only I am getting a true picture of food prices in the most of the Asian & South American countries but am also being introduced with some very yummy foods such as presented in your answer and they seem of nice quality. I'm already started to love musing and its community.

We can get every type of information from the internet but really I am started to get the feeling that on musing this is another level of interaction.

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