Signs of Springtime and I also sold another artwork, what's better?

in #life5 years ago

The plum tree in my backyard looks ready for the Springtime and I'm pretty sure (if the weather will be enought warm during this month) I'll have a lot of plums also this year!!  I have to watch the plum trees in the garden of the father of my hubby, usually their flowers come later than this tree, but every year we have a lot of fruits and we make (thanks my mom too) a lot of jars of good jam ^_^

Springtime seems to be here, but in the past years sometimes happened some crazy day with very cold temperatures in my area and so I hope everything will be ok for my tree. ^_^

I want to share with a bit of my happiness: I sold another oil painting on paper (this time thanks my Artfinder's shop) ! Maybe it's another sign of a wonderful Springtime? ^_^

On Monday, I sell a piece that I painted just a couple of weeks ago:

It will fly to Uk and, as you can understand, I'm really happy because it's the 3th piece I sold in 3 days. Ok, I know it will happen not all the day, but I could hope in a bit of luck :P

Now I'm working on another piece with a similar subjcet and I'll show the new one tomorrow, so stay tuned ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

Is so good that springtime is comming. That is great you sold another oil painting👍😊

Many thanks, dear friend ^_^

This is cool ! Congratulations and happy springtime also ! 😉

I'm having a lucky week ;)

May it be a lucky month & a golden year ! 😉 👍

I'm so ready for Spring!!! The past two mornings when I went to the store it's been 17 degrees (F)!

17°F ??? Argh, so cold! Here it's around 16-17 ° Celsius (that are about 60 degrees F!). I hope the weather on your area will become warmer soon, dear Rich! Waiting the Springtime, I send you our warm hugs ^_^

It's supposed to warm up into the 50's today and warmer through the weekend. It's about time for the weather to warm up here... and I hope so! When it's cold I hurt really bad, my knees seize up to where I can barely walk. I'm praying for Spring!!! Big hugs to you!!!

Congratulations Silvia! 3 pieces of art in 3 days, if you keep this up you will run out of pieces to sell soon xD

I hope to have other lucky days like these, but usually they are like the waves: up and down all the year :D

The owner must be really happy! I loved it. Beautiful photo too, the flower looks so delicate.

It's been a while since I last logged in and it's awesome to come back and finding again the talented people and their artworks that I enjoyed watching and reading.

Welcome back, dear @siucatti !

I am happy that spring is coming soon and for your continuous success :D.
That painting is lovely, I hope it will have a good home.

Wow. That is pretty exciting. 3rd piece in 3 days.
Pretty awesome

Thanks ^^ I hope to have other lucky days like these ^^

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