And suddenly it’s evening. (thinking about a famous italian poem)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

 It's Sunday and I just finished to eat my dinner, out of the windows I can see just shadows and darkness. 

Everything looks so quiet.

Paolo is in front of his screen, Geremia (my old lovely dog) is playing with a bone on his wool cover.

Everything looks so quiet.

The perfect moment to think about a poem of my childhood, one of the first poem that every italian child learn at school:

Ed è subito sera (And suddenly it’s evening) by Salvatore Quasimodo

Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra

trafitto da un raggio di sole

ed è subito sera.

In English is:
Everyone stands alone at the heart of the world
pierced by a ray of sunlight
and suddenly it’s evening.

It's a short poem, but really "strong". In this poem, Salvatore Quasimodo talk about  3 moments of the life: the loneliness triggered by the incommunicability between people, joy and pain alternating, the uncertainty of the life. In the poem the man who is in loneliness at the heart of the world, only with himself, can see an hope, an illusion that it's like a ray of the sun, but that ray can hurt/pierce the man because the ray is something ephemeral and the darkness of the evening come like the death come in the life.

It's a sad, malancholic poem, but it can touch the heart and every times I think about it I don't feel myself sad, I just enjoy the strong emotions that it remind me!  ^_^

Good night to everyone!


silvia beneforti


For me here, its night also, its quit hot inside and am sitting outside to tap some fresh air, staring deep into the sky, trying to imagine how beautifully God has made nature. The poem lyrics is quite interesting and i just want to say good night to you and paolo too.

Thanks so much, dear friend ^_^

Good night @silviabeneforti ! A fitting poem for a sunday night

Salvatore Quasimodo

The only quasimodo i knew was The Hunchback of Notre Dame

This guy

I'm not much of a poem reader, but that one is quite nice, i tried to read it in italiano, understood half of it, but "trafitto da un raggio di sole" trafitto is pierced?

yes, trafitto is pierced. I don't know if there is another terms in English, but in portoguese it can be translate as trespassado ^_^

Yes, it is trespassado in portuguese, that's why i was like WTF is this word?
Your language is amazing, between french and italian i can't think of what language is more smooth

Great poem and so short, although strong! And it's easy to learn for young children. :)

Love your writing <3 @silviabeneforti

Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!

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