Be Successful in life and accomplish EVERYTHING YOU Want !!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Hustling brings a dollar for today. Mastering you craft brings wealth for a lifetime.

Knowing that you need to work really hard in the initial phases of things, but knowing that not only will the work payoff in some 'instant' results, but also longer-term benefits.


What do you turn in Gold???

Everything! That's the whole point. So what does this mean?
Okay, so for those of you who don't know what it means to turn everything you touch into gold, let me tell you.
Have you ever noticed those people who just don't achieve much? Okay, wait. That's a bad example. Let's rather flip the situation around. Have you ever noticed those people who are just able to make anything a success. Anything they try, it just works for them. Well, this is the concept.

It's about the mentality of taking what you've got, and making something great out of it.
Who do think think is more resourceful? The kid who's parents gave him a $1000 gaming PC, or the kid who gathers scrap PC components to try and build his own PC? Obviously the second kid.
Why? Because he is making something out of nothing. Turning his efforts (Scraps) into gold (Something better).

This is simply a way of life. I like to think of Oprah Winfrey when I think of this example. How Oprah was able to take her terrible situation, and go from homeless to multi-billionaire status. Then comparing that mentality to all the people who simply won the Lotto and then lost all the money.
It's no coincidence.


If you think someone you know deserves a shout-out, you are always welcome to let me know! Yes, you may nominate yourself, only if you really think your content deserves more exposure. Your results need to speak for themselves :) I choose a new person every week for the Shout-Out Saturday post! So stay tuned, it might be you!

More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, you can share this with others!
I want this blog to be a happy, motivated place where you guys are free to engage and say whatever is on your mind. A place where if you have something on your mind, no matter how dramatic it may be, you can feel free to speak. Resteems are appreciated!
I reward good resteems and comments! I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve. I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned!

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