
in #life6 years ago

Why are there so many nasty hateful people in the world? So many people will lap up any crap that is fed them like it is candy but then if you come to them with facts they won't believe it and will completely slaughter you with words because you said something that they either don't want to  believe or that they don't like. There are so many sources in today's world that give false information that I think most people simply don't know what to believe or why. 

My husband is one of those people who just simply won't believe anything that goes against anything that one of his misinformed friends has told him. He has a tendency to question literally every little thing that comes out of my mouth but takes everyone else at face value and believes every little word that comes out of their mouths. For some reason he just doesn't believe that I could possibly know more about cars than his friends that started working on vehicles as adults. Maybe it is because I am a woman. Maybe it is because he wants to believe that his friends could never be wrong. I don't know. What I do know is that until he has one of his buddies come over and confirm what I have said every time there is a problem with my car, he won't believe what I have said. Why is this?

Then there are the people that I talk to every night at work. I answer the phone and talk to two varieties of people all night long. I am either talking to entitled people that are either genuinely in need at that moment or have figured out how to manipulate the system to get the state to pay for the things that they want, or I am talking to drunken idiots that can't seem to figure out where they are. I have been screamed at and cussed at because I wouldn't just do whatever these people wanted me to do. I have been screamed at because I can't track the phone that they are calling off of and tell them where they are. I think the one that bothers me the most is the entitled asshole that has had so much handed to them on my tax dollars that they honestly believe that they are entitled to talk to me however they want to. They honestly believe that there is no possible way that I could have the right to question what they are doing and that I should just give them whatever they want without batting an eyelash at it. These people don't like being told that they are not getting the things that are handed to them on my dime and that I won't allow them to abuse them. For some reason they think that these things are legitimately free. What they really don't understand, probably because they have never worked a day in their lives, is that the welfare programs that they are living off of come at the cost of everyone else. They don't even get that these things cost more tax dollars than any other program. But, we will touch back on that later. How do these people get to the point in their lives that they are at and still not understand all of this? Why is this such a problem?

I guess maybe I am just jaded in my view of the world and the majority of the people around me. There are so many things that I would like to understand but if you question someone on their views and their opinions, genuinely trying to understand, you get answered with anger and hate. Have you ever gotten mad at someone who questioned something instead of thinking that maybe they just truly wanted to understand where you are coming from? Why did you get mad? Why not just give them the benefit of the doubt when they ask questions instead of being an asshole? 

Trust me I am not trying to be an ass here. I am honestly asking because I am genuinely curious. Please feel free to enlighten me in the comments. I would love to have a discussion with people who may be more enlightened than myself on this subject.

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